Incredibly Stealth Fauxlero

Simplicity 3690

Sandra at Sandritocat sent me this fauxlero — doesn't it look real? The illustrator must have had a touch of PT Barnum in him.

Although, personally, if I were trying to "sell" the fauxlero, I wouldn't make Plaid Dress look quite so much as if she were trying to figure out what smelled so bad. (Either that or she's trying to see if the other woman is REALLY wearing an identical hat. And shoes. And earrings. And face.)

16 thoughts on “Incredibly Stealth Fauxlero

  1. I remember the 50s – my Mother was into fashion, sewed her own clothes (and mine), and was a snob like Plaid Dress. I guess it was both her personality, and the times – the bored housewife had to find a way to compete with her peers.I’m so glad feminists worked hard for our right to get out of the house and pursue a full life. Having a 50s mother crippled by the obligatory housewife role was very motivating.I was a feminist and young wife and mother in the 60s and 70s, and I know the full-time working mother/day care setup has many flaws for mother and child. Still, I’m glad women have more choices now. Guess Mothers Day got me thinking…


  2. A thought just struck me. (Ouch!)What would you do if you went visiting, wearing your lovely new fauxlero, and some one asked, as any polite hostess should, if they could take your jacket?Select your destination carefully when wearing this fashion!


  3. They are twins and one – the plaid one – is the Evil Twin. Plaid Twin’s plot for world domination was just foiled – AGAIN!- by Cheerful Twin.


  4. We’re back to wondering about these illustrators. If they were just paid on commission they could make the poor model do the same dress twice, and save a few bucks. But if there were no live models…well then we’ve just got a really lazy artist. 😉


  5. This is proof that the feauxlero was and is REAL. Some could point to a few of the subjects in our year-long study and say, “You’re seeing things…there is no bolero there. It did not exist!” To these doubters we can now say, “See Exhibit 3690!”


  6. Yeah, that’s not the best pattern illustration I’ve ever seen.The attitudes of illustrations amuse me. I like 1940’s ones the best: The girls always have this Nancy Drew spunk, and always look athletic and feisty. The Fifties ones are always a little too aloof and self-absorbed.


  7. I fell over your blog whilst googling (searching for some dressmaking inspiration) and I’m so glad I did – I love the secret lives of dresses. Vicky


  8. What Plaid Dress is really wondering is: “Why don’t the two halves of Gray Dress’s face match? One round eye, one almond eye, it just doesn’t make sense!”


  9. Plaid lady is wondering why grey lady left the house without making sure all her buttons were done up. If you look carefully, there’s one missing on her skirt. Plaid lady is checking to see if perhaps gray lady’s eyes have fallen out. Or maybe she needs glasses.


  10. Back in the 1950’s, they let female prisoners change dresses before doing the side view of the mug shot.


  11. Anonymous is right; Plaid Lady is myopic. I recognize that squint-with-slightly-open-mouth, I do it myself!


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