Oh my goodness (fans self)

So IndigoTangerine left a comment here last week asking if knew that this blog was mentioned in a book called Breakfast At Bloomingdale's. Which, um, no, I didn't! But it is!

ebay item 8305987417

I think most of you know that I'm a dictionary editor in my "day job", but when I was working for OUP I was also an "acquiring editor," which meant that I noodged, nagged, harangued, and otherwise coaxed books from ideas to publication. I have a shelf of books in my house that I can point to and say "I midwived those" (and in some of them I can point to the acknowledgements to prove it). Occasionally, when I am having a bad day, I go look at that shelf and I say to myself: "Those are some mighty kickass books that wouldn't be here if I hadn't helped." (I'm even prouder of those books than I am of my own.)

So anyway, of *course* I ordered this one. I may even put it on the same shelf!

14 thoughts on “Oh my goodness (fans self)

  1. Thats awesome. I know how you feel about the books you edited. I felt the same way when my students spoke French well.


  2. GASP. With this book, I see a whole new wave of young members tenderized for recruitment into the International Sewing Conspiracy! SO EXCITING!


  3. I am not interested in sewing, nor in vintage dresses or fabrics, but I was entranced by your secret lives of dresses, and so became a follower. Your post today has solved the mystery of what became of those secret lives! It has also introduced me to the you I had no idea about – the word project (fabulous!), the books (must try – look great), and the dictionary editor (wow!).


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