Picture Unavailable

I was at the dentist yesterday, and part of my "wait for the numbness to wear off" routine is to wander through Lord & Taylor. Not that I picked my dentist because the office is above L&T, mind you — it's just a happy coincidence.

There I saw the dress that I wanted to show you today — Hugo Boss, hammered satin, beautiful neckline, short-sleeved, in the most exquisite moss green color. Really, it was the ideal winter party dress, AND a faultless excuse to buy green shoes, so it could not have been more perfect.

"Aha!" I thought. "Tomorrow's dress! The all-benevolent Internet shall provide a picture, and all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well."

Stoopid Internet. No picture! This is why I really do need a digital camera, I guess. Although trying to explain to the L&T people that I NEEDED to take a picture of the dress for my BLOG, where I talk about dresses "you know, JUST LIKE THIS ONE," would have probably been highly comedic.

Anyway, that dress was not like this one at all. (Warning, page very slow to load.)

0 thoughts on “Picture Unavailable

  1. Back in the 70s, I had a summer roommate who was taking a fashion design course at FIT. One assignment was to go to a designer boutique and sketch the clothes. I went along as partner in crime.This was before digital cameras could get you in trouble, but we knew standing around a fancy boutique sketching the clothes would not be a good idea. So there we were one night in a designer boutique in Bloomingdale’s, pretending we were shopping, bringing clothes to the dressing room and then surreptitiously sketching like mad.The snooty salespeople might have wondered what not-so-fashionable-looking college kids were doing in the fancy designer boutique, but they chose to believe we were shopping. I assume there was no camera in the dressing room.


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