In Which The Blue Gardenia Puts Up With My Wiseassery

Denise at The Blue Gardenia very kindly asked me to send her information about my sewing den for her sewing spaces project … you can check it out (with some slightly-off-kilter pictures) here!

I was a little tired and punch-drunk when I answered her questions, so I apologize for exceeding your RDA of facetious answers (if you're wondering, the RDA is 3 for adults, 1.5 for children). 

Here is a special bonus bad-quality cell phone picture of shoeboxes full of notions, just for you!


Sewing Spaces

Denise at the Blue Gardenia is doing a series on Sewing Spaces on her blog, and I'm entranced. 

I promised her I'd send her my writeup soon, but in the meantime, you should check it out.

Here's a quick teaser picture of some of my sewing books while you wait … 
