Ooh, links!

Check out this great dress from Steph in Brisbane. I love everything about it:


Her whole blog is worth a visit. (Thanks to Robin for the link!)

This dress at LanetzLiving includes a picture of the previous owner wearing her version! So. Cool.


ModCloth did a great blog post on Ms. Frizzle … a sartorial heroine, to be sure. (Thanks to Mary Beth for the link!) 

NancyKay sent a link to this vintage ad — check it out: 


MEDIA UPDATE: I'm not sure what the overlap is between readers of this blog and of Scalzi's Whatever, but if you missed his blog a couple weeks back, he named something after me. (Awesome, yes.) And if you want to hear my opinions on the word "swagger" (and who doesn't, really) you can check out this article. And you all know I regularly write for the Boston Globe, yeah? (A reader of my blog told me last week she had no idea, so ….) And Wordnik is powering words of the week in the Wall Street Journal. Whew. I think that's it!



A Bunch of Links

That's what this is.

For instance, here's a link to Diana Eng's laser-cut (with REAL LASERS!) t-shirts. (I feel as if we should all support any sartorial endeavor that involves REAL LASERS.)

Here's an absurdly complicated Adrian pattern that is going for an absurdly low price on eBay. Adrian! 

I feel like this woman, recently captured by the Sartorialist, would be a kindred spirit.

The New York Times does its annual "women wear dresses in the summer!" article. (But it's a nice one.)

Who makes spacesuits? The heroic seamstresses of Playtex. No kidding.

Has anyone been to the new roller-skating rink by the High Line? Please do tell!

Here's a creepy-cool fashion necklace from ModCloth. (It's like wearing a pattern story around your neck.)

And if you're wondering what I've been up to lately (aside from this blog), it's basically just been all thermogeddon and kispet around here. 

Keep 'em coming, folks … 

You gotta see this

Today's list of gotta-sees:

Liesl's Lisette Dress in Liberty! (at PurlBee)

Eirlys and her Scrapiana strawberries (so cute!)

This week's Spoonflower contest is puzzles! And speaking of Spoonflower, check out Mina's engineered skirt fabric … 

ROBOT DRESS. I can't believe I haven't linked to this yet. I should send this woman a medal, she is my new hero.

I love this caftan (!) but it's the styling pictures that really make it. 

Also: this dress is so cute.

That is all.

Link Tuesday

Some links, for Tuesday:

Wonderful article by Moya Stone about Stonemountain and Daughter Fabrics in Berkeley. (If you're local to the Bay you should add Moya to your RSS list …)

Orange Bunny Fabric. Thanks to Allison for the link. Wait, why are you still reading this? Didn't you read the words ORANGE BUNNY FABRIC?

Oh, so you don't like bunnies? (That's un-possible.) Maybe you like bicycles? Okay, here's some Michael Miller bicycle fabric.  

This cape. I like it. (Thanks to Michelle for the link!) I also love this category.

Cool new Kickstarter project for a program that turns drawings into dresses! We live IN THE FUTURE, people. (Pledge $25 and get your own Continuum pattern & instrux.) [Thanks to Paul S. for the link.]

Wear the Shift — makes the same dress style in multiple fabrics for women of all sizes. I think I'm in love — thanks to Luci for the link!

This is either the apotheosis of wackaloon, or brilliant comedy. Not sure which.

A Few Quick Links for Monday

Thanks to Anna (and Threads Magazine), I now know there is an iPod app for tracking your fabric stash. Dear developers: please make one for the Palm Pre & Android, too. 

Has anyone heard anything about fashionstake.com? I am hoping it will be like kickstarter.com, but for clothing … but I'm not feeling their "democratize fashion" tagline when everyone in their promo picture is a skinny white model. What would be really useful is if they connected would-be designers with someone like Kathleen at Fashion Incubator for some real-world advice, but that may be wishing for the moon … 

I still haven't written up the "How To Make Five Heidis and Not Go Crazy" post, but there's a video of me wearing one that I made in my Heidi binge. (For the Liberty obsessives out there: the lipstick I'm wearing is the incredibly bright MAC Liberty Petals and Peacocks shade.) 

Did you know ModCloth is doing a literary anthology? I love it when sites do things Just Because It's Cool. Check out their submission guidelines here.

And I loved all of TrueUp's coverage of Quilt Market, and I am marking my calendar to watch for these Alexander Henry prints in the fall. Oooh!