The Hundred Dresses: Day 69

There’s only a month left of dresses! Here’s today’s, another inhabitant of the depths of my closet:
popsicle dress

This is one of those dresses that is really all about the print and the trim. I know I still have this pattern somewhere, but I have no idea where it is. It was so much fun to find the piping and binding:
popsicle dress neck piping

Here’s a full view:

popsicle dress bodice

And a closeup of the sleeve binding:
popsicle dress sleeve binding

And I really love this print. I know I bought it on eBay, probably back in 2005.

popsicle dress print closeup

Side zip:

popsicle dress side zip

I made this dress back in 2007, maybe 2006. It’s interesting to take it out and look at it now — I feel like my sewing skills have progressed a lot since then. For example, I don’t think I would have done this:

popsicle dress back neck

Full back view:

popsicle dress back