not exactly what is usually meant by "basket case"

1940s basketweave dress

Beth sent me (I don't want to tell you how long ago) this link to The University of Virginia Collection of Historic Dress … well worth spending a little while (by "little while", of course, I mean "the rest of the working day") clicking around it.

This dress is, quite simply, heart-stoppingly gorgeous.

1940s basketweave dress

Wouldn't you want to wear this with yellow satin shoes and clutch, and (of course) yellow diamonds? Or at least citrines?

I hope someone who's attending the Oscars decides to wear something like this. Maybe I should start posting "Oscar Dress Suggestions 2007". Send me links and I will!

27 thoughts on “not exactly what is usually meant by "basket case"

  1. Wow… that is gorgeous. Now I’m going to have to look at more pretty dresses to submit for Oscar suggestions. Oh darn… what a boring, ugly waste of time, haha.


  2. So apparently there is something good about my alma mater.I really should borrowed the money and gone to Chicago, though. Then I could have hung out with Edwards for four glorious years.


  3. Holy Cats! Did you see that the bottom of the skirt measures 40 yards?! That is truly Oscar-worthy! Let’s take a moment of silence for the woman who put in that hem.


  4. Wow. That is gorgeous. Makes me wish I had somewhere to wear an amazing dress like that. Of course, that particular dress would look hideous on me (not remotely my color…)


  5. That dress is amazing.unrelated: I was at a lecture last night on accessories in the Renaissance, and the speaker ended by speaking about a revolution in accessorizing — the pocket! It made me think of dressaday. 🙂


  6. This yellow dress is fabulous, but I like much better the 1940’s red velvet (1940s Red Velvet Evening Dress with Flared Skirt). Oh, my goodness! Thanks for introducing us to the site.


  7. I lost my breath on this dress even before I read your comments. the only thing to improve it would have been more pink in the dress!


  8. It’s just amazing! I don’t know which era I like better, 20s, 30s, 40s, all are so spectacular. I wish it were possible to see this collection in person…


  9. that dress is the best dress I have seen in many moons! I too would love it in a different colour. How many people could carry off that yellow?Sigh it is gorgeous


  10. I never thought a dress would make me get teary-eyed…but this one did. My breath caught in my throat, and I YEARNED for the body and the lifestyle that would fit this dress. I check every so often for more of your “Secret Lives of Dresses”…they are truly amazing. If/when you decide to publish, please keep me in mind. I’m a book designer/typesetter, and I’d love to discuss designing the simple setting for the lovely mouthfuls of your tales.carolie(at)wordmagix(dot)com


  11. Congratulations, Erin, I saw an article about your That’s Amore! book. It sounds really interesting. I love learning about idioms in different languages. I studied Russian at the U of C many moons ago and had a book of nasty Russian words and phrases, that was lots of fun, but the languages of love is a really great topic!


  12. amazing…i love it very much. i wonder how hard it would be to make a variation of that dress. too hard would be my guess, but a girl can dream.


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