I'll Fly Away

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Check out this great pattern (at Cemetarian). Dawn sent it to me thinking I would enjoy the winglike pockets — and she thought right. Wow. Those are some pockets. They're ideally suited to that awkward moment when you have three children awaiting ice cream cones, but only two hands! You could put a double-scoop strawberry in a sugar cone on the right and a rainbow sherbet on the left, and still have a hand free for napkins.

I do really love this pattern, though, and if only I had a triangular cell phone I would snap it up in a second. Look at that collar! And the pockets that are lined with contrast fabric!

If you want it, click on the image to visit Cemetarian's site. It's only $8 …

0 thoughts on “I'll Fly Away

  1. Make sure you don’t live in Kentucky, though! It’s illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your pocket. Alabamans should be okay, because it’s only illegal to carry ice cream cones in your back pocket there.


  2. Oh, nice details, all around. I’d never dare fly with two buttons on the bodice, I wind up with concealed snaps in between.I am wondering about the construction of the pockets. I visualized half of the pocket inside the skirt, then realized that you could make one big kangaroo pocket that connects on either side. You could slip your derringer in there. It would be much more convenient than in your garter and with the ice cream cone thing going on, no one would suspect a thing.


  3. This, more than the other shirtwaist patterns we’ve looked at, makes me think it would need to be thoroughly ironed and starched to look good before each wearing. I REBEL! (Though it is attractive.)


  4. I love that the blue lady has her hands tucked into her collar instead, as if the pockets are just too bizarre for her to bother with. 🙂


  5. Oh, my, that might just have to be mine. That sort of style is right up my alley, making contrast collars/cuffs/pockets. -d


  6. but but, the wings are just the RUNWAY (to carry the analogy along) into a DEEPER FULLER INTERIOR pocket. The dress has HIDDEN DEPTHS, or could. That makes it _SO YOU_ Erin.


  7. The lady in blue appears to be giving the bird to the lady in red. At least it goes with the whole “wing” theme.


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