Shirtdresses I Have Not (Yet) Purchased

I know the general perception is that I am cornering the market on shirtdresses, but I swear that is not true. As evidence, I present these patterns that I have not (and probably will not — probably) buy:


This one, from Miss Helene's, is really cute. I love the faux-western yoke. But I am NOT BUYING IT.

And this one,

Simplicity 2342

Sent by Deb, and available from BootyVintage, is really elegant and sophisticated. (Probably too elegant and sophisticated for me, as those of you who know me will attest.) So it's available to YOU!

Both TCarole and Deirdre left comments pointing out this one, which is a new Vogue pattern, and so is available both at the Vogue Patterns site and in major fabric stores:

Vogue 1044

And William N. pointed out this one, at Cemetarian:

Hollywood 1568

Just the thing for when you can't decide between a wrap dress and a shirtdress.

So, see? I haven't bought the ALL. There's plenty left for you guys!

[Update: But that Butterick 7373 at Vintage Martini? Was already sold! Sob.]

0 thoughts on “Shirtdresses I Have Not (Yet) Purchased

  1. Erin – forgive me, but…if we have a good blouse pattern and a good skirt pattern…can’t we clever sewists shorted the blouse a little, take off the waistband on the skirt and put them together to make a shirtwaist dress? Or, am I missing something?


  2. #3: Ohhhh, the pintucks into the curved yoke. Lovely, lovely.If I only had a waist…It is my day off and I intend to put together the top of a Log Cabin quilt that I’ve already cut out. So there.


  3. Hi Erin!Thanks for the shout out, but I actually linked to Vogue 2960, which I just think is so lovely.And it has a bib! I was thinking of making it in black and white fabric, and the bodice above the bib in white and black fabric.


  4. Oh, Deirdre, you’re right! Sorry for the mixup. I like yours too.Toby, you’d have to have a blouse pattern you like FIRST. Which I don’t. šŸ™‚


  5. Love that Vintage Martini.I’ve been perusing the patterns and Erin, how could I *not* send you a click to this dress?And this one is pretty fascinating, too.


  6. I think the woman in blue on Butterick 2432 is implementing her plan for World Domination. Just imagine that instead of gloves, she has a wad of cash in her hand.


  7. Toby, since I’ve recommended that very thing several times, you know I’m going to agree with you!Erin, don’t you have any bodices in your current stash that you could work with, though?


  8. Ooh! I just saw that Vogue one yesterday and will rush to the store to buy it as soon as there’s a Vogue patterns sale. It is divine, even though it’s not the V2960 deirdre meant to link. The V2960, however, does happen to be the one I make and make and make constantly in different fabrics. My latest version is here. There’s another here.


  9. Not that I don’t have enough projects lined up, but I would love that McCall’s dress, or a similar style with the Western-style yoke in a B40 or 41 if anyone happens to spot one somewhere…


  10. How bravely Ms Orange Dress on the McCall’s pattern jacket is propping herself up against the wall after her leg was chewed off by a shark! Tragic, when sharks attack pattern models. . .


  11. Cool! I’ll take the Butterick (lurve the tucks and simple neckline) and the Hollywood Pattern (lurve the 30’s and 40’s except those huge 40’s/80’s shoulders would get a redux).Yay Erin for leaving some for the rest of us :-)(you know we love you, right?)@toby: According to what I have read, Coco Chanel did it that way!


  12. Lovely dresses, as per usual! I am especially excited about that Vintage Vogue pattern being issued – maybe I will give it a whirl!


  13. Well, when you snooze you loose I guess. I loved and wanted that Butterick 2342 but I didn’t have an Etsy account set up and by the time I set it up of course it was long gone.In addition to sewing the dress I love to also take some of the pattern envelopes and make old molding frames to put them into. I hang them in my sewing room if they are pretty enough, and this one was.Sigh…


  14. My husband just whipped out a copy of Spy vs Spy to prove that the woman on Buttrick 2342 is wearing the Spy vs Spy hat. Now, if only she had one of those big, round bombs.


  15. I was just at JoAnns and I think I saw Vogue 1044 — the question is why didn’t I snap it up right then? I must have it. It is truly gorgeous.I did get the reissue, though, of Butterick 4790 — the wrap dress that’s been the subject of all the controversy below. Whether you put it in a show or just buy the thing and sew it yourself, it’s really a nice little dress . . .


  16. Before I could stop myself, I bought the Hollywood Pattern. Love that drape on the front skirt — love everything about this dress. Thanks Erin, for enabling me yet again. But honestly, thanks.


  17. Erin, I saved you the hassle of wondering whether to buy the western-yoked dress and snapped it up myself. It was love at first sight. And to echo Jen’s comment above, thanks for enabling.. although now I think it’s gone past enabling, to the point where your blog and the linked sites have become like meth dealers to me.


  18. yikes! both the fake deirdre vogue and the real deirdre vogue have been added to my ‘must buy asap’-list. dang!sincerely,anonymous coward


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