Guess What Monday Is?

Evening Dresses for September 1818

It's International Wear-A-Dress Day 2008!

Although, really, to give people more of a chance to participate (and as long as we're creating our own occasions) why don't we call it "International Wear-A-Dress WEEK 2008"?

I made a Flickr group for people to upload photos to, it's here, and I'll try to post great examples next week if people upload them, hint hint. (If you don't want your dress blogged, please tag it DNB — for DO NOT BLOG — when you upload your picture).

I will most likely be wearing this dress.

For more about the genesis of International Wear A Dress Day/Week, see the comments on this post.

0 thoughts on “Guess What Monday Is?

  1. Hurray!Does Sunday count?? My friend and I are planning to go to a posh hotel on Sunday morning, to sit in their coffee lounge, knit, drink tea and pretend to be ladylike. I’m planning to wear my babycord shirt dress, but getting my friend out of jeans on a Sunday will have to suffice.I mean I could wear my dress on Monday, but since I won’t be leaving the house and will have to change into joggy-bottoms in the afternoon for my shiatsu treatment (ugly things, but at least not worn in public) lacks any sense of occasion.I can’t wait to see who wears what where!Cheers,AJ


  2. Yes!!! Changing it to a week instead of a day is exactly what I wanted to hear. Our offices are closed to the public on Mondays and I have a new dress to wear. Yes, I’m vain but I made it and I’m proud.


  3. Yahoo! I have no idea what to wear, but I’m “in” every day either before 11:30 am or after 4 pm because I can’t imagine wearing one of my vintage pretties while walking dogs. I think we’re going to have a lot of rain here, so maybe all of the Chicagoans will be wearing rubber dresses. I really can’t wait to see all of the readers in their dresses. This is going to be very much fun.


  4. Oh shoot, I forgot, with the hurricane first projected our way, then shifting. It will have to be later in the week for me, since I wasn’t counting on anything Monday.


  5. Yes! I love the idea! And a full week. 🙂 Lacking a comprehensive dress wardrobe, I may have to fill in with skirts, but I’m sure those are also accepted with warmth here at Dress-A-Day. 🙂 (I’ll be the party pooper, since I don’t really do ‘net photos, but I’ll be happy to share the news!)


  6. I shall be resplendent in royal blue (at least in my mind). I am stoked. I have been telling people.I only wish I had orange polka dots for the very first day of IWADW.~Dixie Hoyt, ConspiratorFashion Rebel AlliancePolka Dot Posse


  7. I definitely prefer wearing skirts (or dresses), even wading through knee-deep snow in the middle of winter. I wouldn’t wear trousers at all if my job didn’t require that I wear them. Skirts are just more flattering, more comfortable, and wearing skirts, I am also less likely to develop mycoses. Definitely a plus, the last point 😉


  8. Praise heaven! A reason to get motivated and finish my strapless seersucker maternity dress this weekend, before the weather gets too cold to make it worth it–and who knows when I’ll wear such a garment again, if ever (never, if my husband has his wish…)?Viva La Dress!


  9. Well, Monday is out because a)I’m having some huge planters delivered to the office and I just know that I’m going to end up having to haul them to the freight elevator and b)Monday is the day that supposedly we will get hit with the remains of Ike. But the rest of the week is a definite ‘go’.


  10. I hope to get a new, blue-pinstriped dress done today, but if not I’ll have to go with the black and white strapless for Monday. Then the new blue dress on Tuesday, then I’ll have to see what I can come up with because my sewing machine has not yet caught up with my wardrobe needs.


  11. I’m glad it’s now the week of the dress, since Monday I will be at home. Tuesday, however, I’m going somewhere, and have a dress in mind…


  12. I’m in my dress – a bright red shift and have had some comments as to how I’ve brigtened up a dismal Monday here in the UK. I’m trying to finish sewing a pinafore (jumper in the US) so I can wear it later in the week. Not tried ‘flickr’ before, but I will try it out!


  13. I’m wearing a purple denim, semi-circular skirt with a pink t-shirt right now. After I’ve finished my morning chores and gotten a bath I’ll change to a black and white print, strapless RTW dress — since its going to be in the mid to high 80’s here and “oppressively humid”.The blue and white striped dress that I hope to wear tomorrow has been cut out and is ready for sewing this afternoon.I discovered this morning that I have lost nearly 10lbs since early August and may now fit into a certain red, kettlecloth dress I made just before my 3rd pregnancy and haven’t worn in years because first I couldn’t nurse in it and then I couldn’t fit into it. 😀


  14. I accidentally am wearing a dress today and I am so happy to be part of Wear A Dress Day 2008!I was all about the pants there for a while, but now my wardrobe is mostly dresses and skirts and I love them!


  15. This evening Ill change from my grungey office gear (I cant think straight in a skirt…) into the black velvet 1920s (?) dress I bought at the Vintage Fashion Textiles Fair yesterday. Got totally excited too over the vintage ribbons, buttons and ric rac (oh my!). The Bath Assembly Rooms made a fantastic backdrop (located just above the Fashion Museum) – theres another fair on 23rd November, in case anybody wants to plan well ahead.


  16. I’m wearing a Liberty print babycord skirt today. I would never have known the pleasures of this fabric, if Erin hadn’t exstolled it’s virtues here. I also have on black tights, black flats, a red shirt and black leather blazer. I feel so stylish!Wendy in NM


  17. Erin, you really should do a call for an article about dresses and bicycles! I have lots of skirts and dresses of various lengths, and with gas prices on the up and up (I don’t own a car, but I’ve started biking to work) a lot of people are integrating biking as part of their daily commute. And while I’ve learned to secure my pant leg with a rubber band or piece or velcro stap, there is one less tried and true method for exactly how to secure a skirt while you’re riding. I LOVE wearing skirts, but I also love riding my bike, and while I’m at it, I love the feeling of contributing to the reduction of fuel emissions, so I think its only de rigeur, and bordering on cliche, to take this dress wearing to the next level and put it into the obligatory “green” context ^_^


  18. I wore my red linen shirtdress to town this morning, and changed to stretch pants and tank top for my yoga class. On the trip home, and in the grocery store, I counted seven out of ten women wearing a dress or skirt, (aside from store workers).It is an absolutely beautiful day, though, who wouldn’t want to wear a dress?Colleen


  19. I’m wearing a white strapless dress with coloured patterns on that remind me of liquirice allsorts sweets! With a sweater and boots because it’s already cold in the North of England. I’ll be wearing dresses all week I think- it’s a good excuse!


  20. And in one of those curious strokes of coincidence, I will be wearing what Erin has posted! Yes, I have – and made! – that very outfit, from the turban on down.It’s hard to participate more thoroughly than that! (Psst! Check your email for it, Erin. I don’t have Flikr access, but it’s me in that dress and turban*.)(*Well, close enough for government work. Which it was, come to think of it.)


  21. I forgot it was Wear A Dress day until reading your blog this evening. But guess what, I did wear a dress today and one that I made!


  22. You are some seriously lovely and talented ladies. I just posted my picture (and co-worker) and perused the other dresses. OMGosh so many pretty, pretty dresses from all over. What a cool and inspirational day! I made a skirt special for tomorrow and it is skirts and tops for the balance of the week. I will have made enough full dresses next year, however!


  23. 3 days into the week, 3 dresses worn.Having a household of sick kids has left me unable to sew up the blue and white dress, but I discovered that I’d lost enough weight to get into my very favorite, red, kettlecloth dress this morning.Then, I had to take it off and get into old capris and a faded t-shirt to do some dirty-work, home remodeling chores. sigh.


  24. So fabulous–I talked this up with all my friends, and wore a dress I made with a neckline decorated with buttons from my grandmother’s button tin. FABULOUS!


  25. So fabulous–I talked this up with all my friends, and wore a dress I made with a neckline decorated with buttons from my grandmother’s button tin. FABULOUS!


  26. Someone asked above about biking in skirts. I wear dresses and skirts and commute by bike in Amsterdam. I wore a dress today, as a matter of fact, and rode to work as usual.What you need depends on skirt length.Short skirts just require bike shorts or thick tights (or, if you’re daring, clean underwear!)Medium length and longer skirts work best if you have a dress guard fitted to your bike (Google it. Instructables even has information on making your own at That extends the maximum length from “long enough to get caught in the wheel” (knee length) to “long enough to get caught on the chain” (about mid-calf).The only ways I’ve found to take up long skirts are pretty unsatisfactory. You can tie a knot in a floaty skirt at the right side, for instance, but you can’t untie it without leaving wrinkles. If you have a belt, or are wearing a skirt rather than a dress, you can try a trick I learned at Renfaire: grasp the hem on the right side, give it one or two counterclockwise twists, and tuck it into the belt/waistband. It shouldn’t fly open, but wear bike shorts anyway!Cycling in a skirt, particularly a long heavy one, is a real pleasure. It’s a lot like the delight wearing a skirt on a windy day, feeling the breeze pull and tug at the fabric.Do be sensible and wear a helmet and visible clothing, though. No dress is elegant or beautiful in the ambulance. (Confession: I don’t wear a helmet, but Dutch biking is very different than American biking.)


  27. Correction to my previous comment: if you’re twisting the hem of your skirt to tuck it into a belt, twist it clockwise so it won’t catch the wind.


  28. That is every day for me! But it’s still exciting. I’m gonna do my darndest to get some pictures up in the Flickr group, too.


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