It's That Time Again

Crossword puzzle stunt dress time!

Yep, today's the ACPT tournament, and I'll be wearing this:

2009 crossword dress

I haven't sewn down the facings yet in this picture, so they're a little lumpy. Can you see what else is wrong with it? No?

2009 crossword dress

How about now?

Yep. I cut the ENTIRE THING OUT UPSIDE DOWN. (Insert forehead-slap here.) When I figured this out I was hopping mad for about ten minutes, but I didn't have enough time OR fabric for a do-over, so then I just laughed. It's funnier this way, and of course, from MY perspective (that of the WEARER), looking down at the dress, it's right-side-up! So that's how I'm going to think about it, anyway.

It's a Duro Junior (Simplicity 3875), which I think of more as a summer-type dress, but I'm just going to wear it with a black tee underneath it and tights and just hope it's not as cold as the weatherfolk say it's supposed to be. I'll be inside, solving (or, in my case, often NOT-solving) puzzles most of the day anyway.

I found this last stash of Michael Miller crossword fabric at Britex months and months ago — for next year's dress I think I'm going to get some custom fabric made up at Spoonflower. Probably an easy NYT Monday puzzle solved in red ink and tiled to fill the yardage, or maybe even as a scatter print. What do y'all think?

Oh, and tomorrow — check out my last column filling in for Jan Freeman in the Boston Globe; I'm writing about my inadvertent coining of the word "Duro" (and how cool you all were to use it, making it "real").

0 thoughts on “It's That Time Again

  1. HA! It’s loverly anyway! At least you can look down at your dress while you are wearing it and read it right side up! :)My mom (who is a very learned and wordy woman, like yourself) made me a fleece robe for Xmas a few years back out of an awesome purple Cookie Monster fabric (I was 30 at the time).When I opened it that morning she explained, “I am guessing it’s some kind of spanish fabric, because it says Muy Muy Muy all over it.” I put it on and looked in the mirror and realized she had cut the fabric wrong side out. It actually said, “Yum Yum Yum.”We both howled with laughter. I still razz her about it.


  2. All you need is a sharpie, and fill in a couple of answers (oriented the same way as the fabric) When people ask if the fabric is upside down, mention this was “the only way you could do the cross word puzzle”


  3. How fantastic! I can’t decide wheter if I would fill in a few answers or leave it blank if it was mine.If I owned this it would be part of day to way wardrobe. Its just simply too awesome.


  4. I second the motion to fill in a few words upside down. Think what wonderful words you could use, and how to juxtapose them! If you don’t like to use a sharpie, use laser printed letterfont in an iron-on. Dress A Day, maybe? The whole URL, crossword style? This Was Cut Upside Down On Purpose? Gee, I’ll be thinking of things to write all day now.


  5. Britex Fabrics in San Francisco? I LOVE that shop! I work in San Francisco and spend a ridiculous number of lunch hours at Britex. It’s a veritable treasure trove!PS: your dress is adorable!


  6. I love this dress! I also think you should fill in some of the boxes with a great phrase.I love this pattern, too. Every time I see one of your dresses, I think “I should get that pattern.” It looks to be universally flattering and wonderfully comfortable.


  7. Absolutely fab, darling! Also, it’s right side up. I was thinking of that only the other day when my youngest was wearing his cars and lorries t-shirt, and he couldn’t see them properly because they’re wrong way up from his perspective…


  8. This is adorable- I love this dress. The up-side-down-ed-ness only adds interest – and is all in one’s perspective anyway. I love the muy, muy, muy robe story too!!!!!Blessings,Patti


  9. ROFL!! You poor thing… I have to admit that I’m happy I’m not the only one that makes mistakes. HA!! I would totally buy your story… sure I would… really I would… HA!


  10. at least it is consistently upside down — i made a dress with a four gore skirt and one gore the wrong way. i was mad but I got over it and wear it anyway


  11. I love this dress! And DO NOT worry about the pattern being upside down. You are so right, it’s funnier that way and much more unique. This reminds me of my hubby who inevitably puts his name tags on upside down. We tease him and he just says, “It’s so I know who I am.” lol


  12. I read your column in the Boston Globe this morning and found out about sewing blogs, never knew such things existed! What fun! This is the first time I have ever read any blogs which probably gives a hint as to my age–72 but still making my own clothes and things for granddaughters too. Always do the morning crossword and think your dress is great.


  13. Not only is it a charming dress, but it’s a conversation piece and a useful comedy bit as well. Not bad for a “mistake.” I think it rocks. –L


  14. I didn’t notice that it was upside down when I met you (it was nice to meet you, BTW), and I did think it was a really cute dress!


  15. Spoonflower is great! I just got some samples of the design I made and I am very happy with it. So I am sure your morning crossword dress will be great!


  16. I have never made clothes for myself with the exception of a few crazy simply summer skirts. I sew a good portion of my 2 year old’s wardrobe though. But Friday, I ordered this pattern. I am going to do it. I know I have the skills, it just seems so BIG to sew myself a dress. I am pretty excited about it, although I am feeling much anxiety about having to choose fabric.


  17. So cute! My mom once made me a lovely long sleeve blue dress with little puppies on it. All were upside down and it looked like a dead dog dress :(. She was reallly upset with herself, I didn’t care.


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