This Week's Pattern Story

Butterick 7235

(This week's pattern story is brought to us courtesy of Rita at Cemetarian. Everything is 20% off with the coupon code FIESTY, for the next five days!)

Beige Dress: I get SO BORED waiting for the rest of the wall to come into being.

Blue Dress: Tell me about it. How am I supposed to decide on window treatments if there aren't any windows?

Beige Dress: When they said that life would be different at Flatland Estates, I didn't think it would be THIS different. Or this boring. Plus, I think I don't love my husband, Flash, any more.

Blue Dress: Well, that was the shortest distance between two points.

18 thoughts on “This Week's Pattern Story

  1. There’s something wrong about the angularness of the front and the roundness of the back, as if the dress has an identity crisis.But I love the story.


  2. Miss Beige is hemming her dress with the World’s Longest Needle, while Miss Blue is calling Ripley’s on her invisible phone.


  3. Kind of a weird illustration. You do begin to wonder about these artists…where did they work? Were there photos of the made up garments that they worked from? Real models? How many different illustrators did this work? Was it freelance? Who were these people? And how can we find out? Invisible walls indeed.


  4. These look like Airship Hostess Uniforms. They must be on a break because they have removed their hats. Love the space-age pocket treatments and how that is echoed in the neckline.


  5. I personally like the simple graphics of this era…….clean simple lines without a lot of background clutter. All details are saved for the drawing without distracting palm trees in the background. It’s easy on these OLD eyes. LOLAnd I LOVE the details on this dress. Can’t wear it, but I love it.Don’t forget the 20% off sale that goes with this dress and everything else on the website.


  6. That beige one is to die for in a textured, nubby or shantung-y type fabric. Erin, you have a new challenge for us, why don’t you getit and do it up? Or if you don’t, will someone and post it? I am dying to see if it comes out like the picture. BTW, too small for me and I am too lazy toscale up that much.


  7. The boredom is a front. These ladies are obviously hiding their superhero personae. They are pretending to be interested in walls and windows whilst they wait for something exciting to happen so that they may spring into action.


  8. This one goes into the subgenre I think of as “Jetsons fashion.” Every once in awhile, you get something that has space-suit overtones and you think, “Ah, yes–the Atomic Age.”


  9. Theres something wrong about the angularness of the front and the roundness of the back, as if the dress has an identity crisis. That’s so funny!MY first thought was that Blue was fiddling with some wallpaper that was coming apart at the seam.


  10. I, too, enjoy the clean graphic, no distracting text or background blah,blah,blah so one can concentrate on the design.It reminds me of the split screen in old Doris Day / Rock Hudson movies where he’s in bed on one side of the screen and she’s in bed on the other side (but they aren’t in bed together, you see) talking to each other on the phone.


  11. “Well, that was the shortest distance between two points.”lol and roflmaoI almost always enjoy your stories, but that has to be the funniest thing I’ve read in days! Thanks for sharing it!Elaine


  12. Perhaps Blue is waiting for her highly developed polygon husband to come home from work.Beige is telling stories about her grandma, who lived in an old-fashioned square house.


  13. You know what I like? I love, in fact. I love the posture of the ladies on the envelopes! I’m not picking on anybody’s RL posture (said the woman with scoliosis and a duck’s @ass), but these women Stand Up Straight! And their dresses look better for it, too. So many of the women on current pattern envelopes look so DEFEATED; they slump, their pelvises protrude – it certainly doesn’t do the dresses any favour, that’s for sure. These women look as if they could accomplish anything they set their minds to.


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