Today's Pattern Story and Sale

Simplicity 5662

Carla: Well, well. What have we here?

Darla: Looks like someone here is unclear on how things are run in this town, boss.

Marla: [raises chin, menacingly.]

Carla: You mean someone doesn't know that this is OUR department store, Darla?

Darla: Looks that way, boss.

[Marla's silence, is, if anything, more unnerving than the rough voices of Carla and Darla.]

Carla: I'm sure these … girls … didn't mean any harm. And I'm sure they feel so terrible about trespassing that they'd like to make it up to us, don't you think so, Darla?

Darla: Makes sense to me, boss.

Carla: So if these ladies just hand over their new lipsticks, I think we'll call it a simple misunderstanding, right, Darla?

Darla: I'm sure they'll agree, boss.

[Marla starts humming under her breath. It may or may not be the Toreador song from Carmen.]

Carla: [examines lipsticks.] Very, very nice, ladies. I commend your excellent taste, if not your senses of direction. Have a lovely day.

Today's pattern is from Sheila, at Out of the Ashes — and she's running a spring sale! Get 15% off starting tomorrow morning, April 8, with the coupon code SPRING. (All paid orders will ship Wednesday or Thursday 4/14 or 4/15.)

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13 thoughts on “Today's Pattern Story and Sale

  1. The way Carla and Darla are both tilting their heads the same makes me wonder if theyre at a modern art exhibit.


  2. I am going to have to memo the art department too, I look hideous in green. What were they thinking down there. Someones idea of a joke is going to cost more than a lipstick. Carla


  3. Im headed down to the art department now. I look hideous in green, as they well know. Was this someones idea of a joke? I prefer peach and coral!This will cost someone more than a lipstick!Carla


  4. Im sorry to say the version with the pleats strikes me as being majorly dowdy…does anyone else agree? Eeeek. Something like a brown plaid fabric would make it even dumpier. From where I sit, it looks like a real Please Dont Notice Me pattern…MAYBE suitable for a substitute teacher. But maybe Im being too harsh?


  5. Note to Cookie: This type of skirt was very stylish in the mid-sixties and again toward the late 1970s. The best looking ones had the top of the pleats sew down. My mom (very petite and style conscious) had a sage green suit with this type of skirt. Nothing dowdy about it – at least on her.The dowdy part would depend on the fabric and how well the skirt fit. To me it is the top that is frumpy. Just my opinion. 😉


  6. To me it is the top that is frumpy. Just my opinion. 😉 Yes, I mean the combination of the top and the skirt together. PS: I read in a book about French couture that Chanel was the first to sew the tops of the pleats down in a skirt like that, so the hip area was more fitted. Wonder if its true? Thanks for advocating for the poor, defenseless little skirt! If only it hadnt met that top….


  7. Every time I visit your site, I feel like I may have had the pattern of the day! I sewed for myself and my mother back in the 60s. Taking a break from sewing to day, thought I would visit some sewing blogs. Yours is always a delight.


  8. Hilarious! Even better, my mothers name is Carla, and her best friend in college (in the 60s no less) was Darla! They searched for a Marla, but never found one.


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