And We're Back!

How do you like the new place? (Thanks with sprinkles and extra frosting to David and Brenna for their help in carrying all the boxes. Do you buy beer and pizza for people who help you move blogs?)

Let me know if you see any wonky stuff; right now I know that a couple of the ads are out of date and that the category tags didn't quite make it (I'm sure they're in a box around here SOMEWHERE). I'll unpack those soon. I'm also not sure how your Blogger identities will or won't transfer over; if you have trouble Being You, let me know!

In the meantime, how do you like the fabric I bought a couple weeks ago? Yes, that *is* yardage of the Liberty "Mark" used in Target's recent Liberty line. No, I don't know why it was at a semi-random fabric store, but I'm not arguing! 


What else did I do on my blog-cation? I also made five Heidis in one day. Yeah. That was nuts. I'll have pictures of them up soon … 

29 thoughts on “And We're Back!

  1. The blog looks great! And I was wondering, where did you get that houndstooth fabric? It’s fab-u-lous!! 🙂


  2. Very glad you back!! A few recent posts still in one of those boxes too? Unpacking is the worst.



  3. I’m not sure if I’m seeing the banner correctly. If you have a big fancy banner, it didn’t come over for me to see.


  4. And also, your dress stories are missing. I re-read them from time to time while sitting at my desk in despair. They bring company to my work misery. 🙂


  5. Your archive links are sometimes broken (I just tried a couple that I had bookmarked that I particularly liked and I can still find them eventually, but at different URLs)


  6. I’m so glad you’re back. I can’t wait to see your new Heidis. Because of your success with the pattern, I am now making my first.


  7. The dates on all the recent posts are all 5/08/2010. So the posts aren’t in their original order. I haven’t check past two pages, and it doesn’t really matter in the end. But you asked, so there it is. I guess now we know when you moved.


  8. Five in one day?! Did you cut all five fabrics stacked on top of each other, LOL!

    Thanks for moving the comments to the bottom! It was confusing, since the comments have always been on the bottom.


  9. I’m also glad you’re back. That Liberty of London paisley is one of my faves…too bad that Target didn’t have anything really nice in adult sizes in that (I bought a couple of the girls’ sundresses to see if I could do anything with them). In fact, I was disappointed with all the LoL Target designs for women – way too flouncy and ruffle-y.


  10. I can’t believe you made five dresses in one day! I haven’t even made 5 this year!
    This new look is going to take getting used to. I don’t like change. Or maybe it’s not loading correctly for me…


  11. Congrats on the remodel job, it was time!

    During the remodel, what came up in place of your familiar pink blog was … scary! Cookie and I had a chat about you then.
    Plain gossip can sometimes take the place of artful blogging.

    (jen @–I have just finished a remodel of my webpage as well!)


  12. Oh my, Erin! What a difference! This is a bit like a Dr Who regeneration; DaD has gone from David Tennant to Matt Smith. Or maybe the other way round.

    Blogger Who aside, it’s funny you should be doing this now cos I’ve been belatedly working up to my first blog incarnation. It’s been the last item on my to-do list for way too long. Will let you know when I’m ready for the big reveal. It could still be some time. 🙂


  13. I miss the links to other sites! Your blog has been my portal to so many other now favorite sites. Will you be adding them back in?


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