Back To Where You Once Belonged

Forgive me for turning my back to you like this, but Holly at Lucite Box is having a big sale this week, which includes this amazing red gingham shirtdress:


Bows *and* buttons. And pleats. AND it's a larger size! (B40/W32) If it only had pockets, it would be well-nigh perfect. 

Oh, okay, here's the front: 


There's lot of other stuff on Lucite Box right now that you just might like … if plain gingham isn't enough for you, how about this gingham and paisley combo? Or maybe this tiger-lily dress? (I think orange and tan is a very chic combination …) Or perhaps this absolutely glamtastic long gown? (Holly has such a good eye, don't you think?)

8 thoughts on “Back To Where You Once Belonged

  1. These old shirtwaisters often have such cute “throwaway” details.

    Love the Lucitebox site and have been very pleased with my purchases. I better skeddaddle over to check out the sale!


  2. This dress is cute, but leaning back in a chair against those buttons and bows would probably be pretty uncomfortable. Of course, if you liked the dress enough you might get used to the “lumpy-bumpies” down your back!


  3. Oh my, you are *evil* for pointing out this site! Good thing I’m broke, because I absolutely LOVED so many of the dresses. I would have been the best-dressed homeless person out there if I’d used the mortgage money to buy dresses instead…..!

    Seriously, thanks for the link. I’ve bookmarked it for dreaming and for better financial times. πŸ™‚


  4. I could never wear this dress. It look too much like my hideous school uniform from the early 70s. We hitched it up with the belt to make it shorter. It was made from white nylon with fine maroon stripes. Perfect for the hot sticky Queensland climate.


  5. I kind of detest you at the moment! I had never seen this website, as a huge vintage fan when the page loaded.. my mind went absolutely crazy and I bought 2 items in 10 minutes. This will not bode well with my bank account.


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