And the winner is … (turned out to be "and the winners are")

Wow! Thank you all so much for all the fantastic subtitle suggestions last week! I totally believe that “wisdom of crowds” thing now.

It was hard to choose, but here were my top three (I couldn’t choose just one!):

The Hundred Dresses; A Field Guide to Fashionable Frocks

(from Natalie)

The Hundred Dresses: What to wear for espionage, play dates, and everything in between

(from Joelle)

The Hundred Dresses; or Why You Need a Bigger Closet

(from Karen S.)

Would you three wonderful women please email me with your addresses so I can send you your prizes?

Of course, the book will probably only have one subtitle, and the choice is up to the publisher, but with so many excellent suggestions, something good has to stick!

And, for no apparent reason, here is a picture I took of a giant collection of Muppet fur this past weekend. Enjoy.
muppet fur

6 thoughts on “And the winner is … (turned out to be "and the winners are")

  1. Oh, Hooray!!! I’m super excited! Forgive me for posting here, but I couldn’t find a link to email you on the sly. My day has been made!



  2. I also couldn’t find a link to your email, but am super excited! You made my day! My email address is nerak_2001(at)yahoo(dot)com
    If you can shoot me an email, I’ll gladly get my mailing address to you! Thank you so much!


  3. Those are wonderful names you’ve picked from many great suggestions.

    It’s interesting, had you just said fake fur, I’d have shreiked in horror, but since you called it Mupped fur, I get the giggles.


  4. I re-read the Secret Lives of Dresses and now eagerly awaiting the Hundred Dresses, with any of these excellent subtitles….


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