All tied up and nothing to sew

Robin sent me a link to this dress on Etsy, isn’t it marvelous?

dress from Wishflower Vintage on Etsy

It’s got such a great shape, not to mention the topstitching (I’m such a sucker for topstitching) and that little bow at the neck … very inspiring, don’t you think? I went trolling for patterns that have this same design feature — hard to do, even with the Vintage Pattern Wiki! (I have to do something about that … there’s no faceted search. Hmmph.)

This is my favorite, so far …

Vogue 9525

(I haven’t found too many copies of this pattern — but Sheila at OutOfTheAshes has one, and is running a sale, too! And speaking of sales, there’s one at Little Hunting Creek as well — buy three or more patterns, get 15% off. Use code LABORDAY through, well, Labor Day.)

I feel like this pattern might be a good candidate for some of my hoard of dotted swiss

7 thoughts on “All tied up and nothing to sew

  1. The guest ranter described perfectly all that is involved in bringing vintage to the selling floor (or web site, as the case may be). With clothing, if you’re a reputable seller, you can add in the cost (both money and time) for cleaning and repairing each item. The actual profit margins for most vintage sellers is negligible. Sure, there are some who inflate the prices into the stratosphere (and there seem to be customers willing to pay), but the vast majority do it for the love of it, and price their wares quite reasonably given the tremendous amount of work involved.


  2. Eeep! I followed my traffic back to your blog, thanks so much for featuring my dress! That’s awesome that you found a similar vintage pattern, I pretty impressed that it’s so spot-on! -^_^- Thanks again!


  3. The weird thing is, I saw that pattern but wouldn’t in a million years have connected it to the navy dress. It looks so much sassier than the very lah-de-dah lady on the pattern cover. The top-stitching really gives it a cool casual edge, well spotted!

    Keyholes and peek-a-boos are always awesome, go for it.


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