Today's Pattern Story: Simplicity 2345

Blue: So that’s it?

White: I guess so.

Blue: Not what I was expecting. You?

White (sighing): Not really.

Blue: Should we move on to the next one?

White: I guess so. Who would have guessed auditioning male strippers would be so tedious?

Blue: Maybe we should just get a magician for Hildy’s bachelorette.


Pattern from Out of the Ashes.

9 thoughts on “Today's Pattern Story: Simplicity 2345

  1. Heheh… or…

    Blue: So you gave him the medicine?
    White: Yes, but I’m worried…
    Blue: Well, it certainly seems to be working.
    White: Yeah, but I gave it to him over four hours ago…


  2. or
    White: Bad hair day?
    Blue: You’re just jealous of my fabulous pockets.
    White: You’re just jealous of my groovy handbag.

    What’s a “Slenderette” pattern anyway?


  3. Blue: I’m just not sure about theses gloves. What do you think?

    White: What IS that on your head?

    Blue: You should talk. Get out of bed much?

    White: At least I don’t wear opera gloves with a dishtowel on my head!

    Blue: *Sigh* So, that’s a No, then?


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