Hap-py Blog-i-ver-sa-ry, Hap-py Blog-i-ver-sa-ry!

GEL dress picture
Here's the first of the several photos taken of the dress I made for and wore to the GEL 2006 conference … thanks very much to Laura (of 15secondpitch.com) for taking it and sending it to me! (I especially like the obvious #2 pencil sticking out of my yellow Luella-for-Target bag.) There's another picture, too, taken by Martin Hardee of Sun, up at his blog.

This dress is is the same dress, in a different fabric, that I made in late March, which is a slight variation of the original pattern, which I blogged about in early March, which is the the pattern I bought in January, after swearing I wouldn't. I am nothing if not obsessive. (Thanks to Francis for egging me on to buy the pattern in the first place.)

Also, today is my one-year blogiversary! Yes, 366 posts ago, I started blogging about dresses. And then you started reading! I originally thought that about five and a half people would read this blog (which was fine by me) but as many as THREE THOUSAND folks have come by on any given day … thanks so much for all the great comments, all the links to breathtaking dresses, and especially for all the kind words and encouragement over the past year.

Stay tuned for more dresses, fabric, Jack Purcell sneakers, and Secret Histories … watch this space.

0 thoughts on “Hap-py Blog-i-ver-sa-ry, Hap-py Blog-i-ver-sa-ry!

  1. Happy birthday my dear… I thought that I was the only person in the world that could obsess about vintage dress patterns on ebay and fabrics and such… It’s been a pleasure to ‘meet’ such a community of kindred spiritsThis blog has been my little bit of heaven each day to get me through a horrid year of dull dull dull office work. Thank you so much and here’s to many more years in pink cyber space joy.xxx


  2. Happy Birthday to D-a-D! I stumbled upon this blog somehow, and stayed up way past midnight reading the archives. Here’s to another year of great dresses! đŸ™‚


  3. Love the fabric in that dress. Congratulations on your anniversary! May you never run out of dresses or ideas!


  4. Happy anniversary! Also, heh – I just had a houseguest who was on the East Coast for Gel. I’ll have to ask him if he noticed anyone in a particularly fabulous dress!


  5. Congrats on your anniversary…love your blog….regarding this dress….it is fabulous….need to show a full length pic as I am always interested in the footwear….


  6. Lovely smile and Happy Anniversary!Your writing, photo’s and pinnings are always a pleasure to read.


  7. HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!Gee, now I’ve typed that out, I feel like I can speak a foreign language..XOX and here’s to 366,000 more posts!


  8. Happy Blogiversary to you !!!Dress is very cute & so are you. I have been wondering what you look like. I so agree with Helen so nice to find peeps who love vintage clothing. I obsess over the vintage patterns on Ebay too. I have to look everyday. I look forward to reading your blog everyday.


  9. Happy Blogiversary!Just followed some links and read your article about being a lexicographer, I have a soft spot for analogies so I loved it.You and others ahve inspired me to start a (sporadic..its my 3rd) blog all about sewing…www.sewalongwithme.blogspot.com


  10. I happened on your site this morning and had to laugh , I just purchased a vintage pattern from ebay and my friend is making me a dress. Love your dresses , I’m hoping the shirt waist dress comes back in.


  11. And a belated but heartfelt Happy Blogiversary to you and Dress-A-Day!I look forward to many more with you!


  12. I just learned about your site and have enjoyed reading it for a few days. I just had to comment on your dress. I love,love, love it. You are wearing some of my favorite colors and it is great dress.


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