Wrap pattern sought …

zara broderie anglaise dress

Helen in the UK is hoping that some kind and helpful reader of A Dress A Day will know where she can find a pattern for a dress similar to this one — a wrap with a full skirt and collar/sleeve options. I know, it should be easy, right? But no.

And if anyone can tell me where to buy broderie anglaise online, I'd be very happy. Preferably at less than "oh-my-god-they-want-what?" per yard.

If you click on the image you can buy the dress featured here — it's a Zara dress listed on eBay.co.uk.

Coming up soon on A Dress A Day … the Esprit giveaway is this week, if I can get everything ironed and pictures taken before Friday. And I'll have the winners of the book contest, I think. Plus, I'm feeling a bit ranty! Watch out!

0 thoughts on “Wrap pattern sought …

  1. Are you looking for yard goods or trim, Erin? If it’s trim-per-yard, what width? If it’s yard goods, what kind of pattern are you interested in?


  2. A collar will go on that vogue dress easy-peasy. Ditch the flounce, extend the skirt and sash it up. It will be beautiful!!


  3. Love love love that dress. But I wish someone could assure me that whomever purchases that particular dress WILL wear it with a slip. The current dress gracing the cover of McCall’s summer catalog makes me want to cry.–Lydia


  4. I just made a cute A-line skirt out oif black broderie anglaise last night. I got it for pretty cheap at Fabricville (I think it was about$6-7/metre on sale), a Canadian chain. E-me and I can see if they have what you’re looking for.


  5. Woot! Hey Erin. This is cemetery-gamer (that sounds weird out of context, lol) Jane McG, we met at GEL last month. Mark Hurst must have sprinkled us with Blogs of Note pixie dust, because my two blogs were blogs of note last week. I was tickled to see your blog is today’s Blog of Note! Yay for our blogs. 🙂


  6. I almost never wear dresses. I’m more of a jeans/awesome shirt/sweet gold chains/slicked-back hair kind of guy.Respectfully,Rod Biscoe


  7. I LOVE this dress. (The only part I’m not that crazy about is the collar, would prefer it without. I don’t really like standup collars unless we are talking about a full Mandarin collar or a Nehru jacket.)This is a wonderful blog!


  8. I like the dresses…but why do mannequins not have arms. It would make it so difficult to pick out matching bracelets!www.bionicbuddha.com


  9. Ya, i just bought tons of fabric to make the Vogue dress being suggested. I didn’t think of that at first though. I was thinking of putting together the skirt of McCalls 4875 and top bit of New Look 6608.


  10. that dress is awesome…it reminded me of the sundress my boyfriend whom i met on webdatedotcom gave me for my birthday. i thought he was just a phony at first considering we met online but he proved himself to me.we’ve been together for 2 years and now we’re thinking of wedding plans..


  11. This dress is absolutely fabu! I love it!!! I have seen so many eyelet dresses this season, and they are always hella expensive. Unfortunatly, I am not at all talented enough to sew my own stuff. Wish I could help you out with info on patterns and material…but I can’t. I will just live vicariousley through you.


  12. I love that dress too – I have it with long sleeves (and 3 shirts in the same wrap-over style) – if any of you are considering buying it, please know that sizes run small, so you’ll want to buy a size larger than normal…


  13. Hi!I’m french,I have discovered your blog with my lines…so I have taken a look and I love this dress!If I can come back again at this blog I will write you some tellings(it’s how you say,no?)about your dresses photographies!


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