This is only a test.

Janet at Lanetz Living has offered us a special Dress A Day discount at her excellent pattern site! 10% off; just enter "dressaday" in the coupon box.

Since I am a conscientious blogger I would never publicize a discount without trying it out first, thus, this pattern, now wending its way to me:

mccalls 8936

I am happy to report the discount works just as advertised. Couldn't be easier, especially when your fingers just naturally type "dressaday" without thinking.

This is a great pattern to test out the discount (cough) since I never have enough of these easy bodices. No darts, just gathers and tucks, a nice deep vee, and the front facing is actually in one piece with the bodice — it just folds under. Nothing could be simpler, really. I often take this kind of two.jpgece bodice and just slap it on whatever circle skirt pattern I'm using at the time … it's a lazy solution, as there are only two seams in a circle skirt, vs. six here. Just be sure you mark the center front and back of the circle for when you are attaching it to the bodice. (I do it with a tiny snip in the seam allowance.)

This makes up nicely with light cottons, especially voiles and lawns. And if you accidentally buy a little less fabric than you needed for a full circle, there's always those gores, just in case!

0 thoughts on “This is only a test.

  1. Now see, me, I love me some gores. ‘Cos when you’re hippy, being able to control just where the bias falls is a Good Thing. I am in lovelovelove with this pattern btw – but I would have to size it up and meh – too much bother right now. I can’t WAIT to see what you do with it, though!


  2. I feel like I won a prize at a carnival or something. I had this one marked when it was for sale on ebay, for similar reasons; simple, elegant and easy to sew. And the prize is a 10% discount coupon for having similar taste:)Amy


  3. I love these vintage patterns even though I don’t have an 18″ waist like the croquis. Back in the 80s I made this dress in a black/white cotton print with a blouson waist and the skirt more like 80 inches at the hem. I got zillions of compliments!


  4. Oh, this is so lovely! And in almost exactly my size, too. I wish I could hire you to make me a few along with yours! 🙂


  5. OK I am so hooked on your blog! I LOVE this dress. Now I have to see if I can find it in my size. So girly and that’s a good thing! Meanwhile, today I cobbled together a jumper and a skirt pattern to make a new sundress ’cause summer fabric is finally on sale here in Swissland. NEED more dresses, thanks to you! They SO go with my big straw sunhats. Keep up the inspiration! Thanks, K Q:-)


  6. OMG! I’ve been reading your blog every day for over a year now–and this is the first time the dress of the day is IDENTICAL to the one I am wearing! (mine is vintage though; I can hardly re-attach a button to save my life!)I feel as if I’ve acocmplished something of import! (or maybe my karma is especially high today . . . ;-)Keep up the good work!


  7. OK, where has Janet BEEMN all my life? Not only does she scan the backs of the pattern envelopes (so I can try to figure out how to make this great bodice by myself, *crossed fingers*)but she also groups the patterns by style! I love any site where I can shop exclusively for mod patterns.


  8. Nice dress. I look at Janet’s patterns all the time on ebay. I have been looking at vintage patterns on ebay everyday for the past 3 yrs. Unless Im sick or out of town and cant get to a computer. This was at christmas time for over 10 days. I had a hard time let me tell ya. Dh does not understand. This is nice that Janet is giving us a discount :+)


  9. I’ve been reading your blog for a while now. I wish I could remember how I found it, but from the first look I’ve just been drop jawed at all the great dresses, your writing, and the comments left-so I’ve not been able to recall how I got here.Thank-you for reminding me of how much I love dresses, fabric, and sewing. BTW, that brown dress a couple of entries ago is so fabulous!


  10. Easy to type in Dressaday…and I think it is a riot that when “Dressaday” is typed as a Google search, Google always promptes back: “Did you mean “Doris Day”?”


  11. “when “Dressaday” is typed as a Google search, Google always promptes back:”Did you mean “Doris Day”?””That’s hilarious! 😀


  12. I just bought the Jessica McClintock Simplicity pattern I was drooling over the first time my father talked about getting (re)married! By the time he actually married, it was out of print & I was out of luck. But it’s mine now!


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