Wonder Woman would kick ass on Project Runway

Wonder Woman

I love this picture, which is courtesy of The Absorbascon (whatever that is) and Thad.

I mean, look at it — no sleeves, tiny skirt, completely vestigial breast pocket (but what looks like pen holders at the belt and possibly the armbands), said armbands (!), something that I'm pretty sure is a miner's light headband, and (of course) GLOVES. Yes, gloves. This is such a great example of how past predictions of the future are always off in some slight, yet telling, way. Gloves! In the office!

And … a HUGE thanks to everyone who has contributed to Heifer International so far! If you're not seeing the sidebar … you are probably not using the Firefox browser, which is free and easy to use. I'm trying to figure out why it heads south in other browsers, but in the meantime I'm afraid scrolling all the way to the bottom of the page is the low-tech solution. Or, to go directly to the donation page, click here. Thank you!

Also: there will be a new Secret Lives of Dresses tomorrow. And if we hit the Heifer International donation target before Christmas I'll write a Secret Lives drabble for each day between the target day and Christmas — so if we hit the target Dec 20, I'll write four Secret Lives drabbles. Make sense?

0 thoughts on “Wonder Woman would kick ass on Project Runway

  1. Oh, wow, that’s *awesome*. I think my favorite part is the way it apparently comes with a built-in blood pressure monitor (perhaps hooked up to a central computer, probably with lots of unnecessary dials and flashing lights, that notes who’s getting too stressed out and gives them extra time off?) Or maybe the wire thing jacks into the flying cars? You *know* there are flying cars. That’s the kind of future that has flying cars, and probably robot maids.While we’re on the subject of superheroines in dresses, you might be interested in Mary Marvel- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Fkajl-mary-1.jpg shows off her outfit. Personally, if I could *fly*, I’d be looking for pants, but otherwise I’m very fond of Mary’s style- the sleeves! The modest neckline! The snazzy lightning bolt! The cape which appears to be billowing in a complete absence of wind! (Apparently those come standard for heroes.)


  2. Anyone who has actually worked as a secretary knows that monitor is not for blood pressure…it’s to make sure you are working harder, Harder, HARDER and not surfing the net. Also, one would freeze to death in that short skirt in any a/c American office. Yes, and how does one input data in gloves?? K Q;-)


  3. Not that I’m going to argue the practicality of that outfit, but I think it would be easy to be a high-tech secretary and input data with gloves. You wouldn’t use a keyboard; you’d just turn on your gloves and type away. After all, it’s not like secretaries actually need see the keyboard. So your gloves themselves would be a type of wireless keyboard.


  4. “something that I’m pretty sure is a miner’s light headband”Actually, that’s a mental dictaphone, which transmit spoken speech directly to the nervous system of the secretary’s arms so she can transcribe it perfectly.Of course!


  5. Hmmm……since I’ve been a “secretary-type” for over 45 years……that outfit would definitely not be beneficial to the profession. Too structured – and she’s wearing High Heels for goodness sake!


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