A Indeterminate Amount of Time Late and a Comparable Amount of Money Short

brown dot dress

I totally missed this dress. Lisa sent me the auction link, but the auction ended, oh, hours ago. I don't know if I would have won it, but I might have bid. I might have bid A LOT. It's brown polka dots! They are my kryptonite, if by "kryptonite" you mean "substance that causes the spending of large amounts of money."

I've been on the West coast for days and days and days now, and I don't know how you Pacific Time Zone people DO it. I have been chasing the tail of the Central and Eastern Time Zones, huffing and puffing to keep up! (Sorry, I don't usually have much dealings with the laconic and self-reliant peoples of the Mountain Time Zone.) And forget about the UK; by the time I get back to THEM, they've been through an entire other news cycle, featuring their special UK-only ludicrously dressed celebrities. My pitiful little electronic mutterings are then just the rustling of old papers in a drafty corner.

Anyway, I've been out here doing various and sundry things, including doing some stuff for a really fun documentary (not ABOUT dresses, although I do WEAR a dress in it, about WORDS), seeing wonderful people (you know, the kind where you can go out to dinner and talk about television and books and Legos and the inherently comedic nature of the deviled egg and then you leave feeling like you've just built a little roadside shrine to happiness together? Those kind of people?), and answering email sent HOURS and HOURS earlier.

And none of those things were bidding on brown polka-dot dresses. I guess I'll live without it …

0 thoughts on “A Indeterminate Amount of Time Late and a Comparable Amount of Money Short

  1. I feel the same way whenever I return from the East Coast, but after a short while, you succumb and just appreciate that there is always a new DressADay when you wake up…


  2. Oh! Oh! Ravishing! Oh! This dress!Which reminds me, I have some kind of very lightweight . . . sheeting? Cotton. Cream with red polka dots. I got it thinking I’d make a dress out of it. Now I know what dress I want to make.Oh!


  3. RE: The ludicrously dressed celebrity — Good LORD!!! I have NO idea who these people are and with any luck I never will. Note to self: do not buy any products designed by Isabell Kristensen, the designer of the booby trap dress. “…a Barbie-pink gown with a corset made from thousands of pink Swarovski crystals and with a train of more than seven yards long …” Yep, lots of bright shiny stuff. Gets em every timeEven Isabell’s web site is amazingly pretentious.CMC


  4. (you know, the kind where you can go out to dinner and talk about television and books and Legos and the inherently comedic nature of the deviled egg and then you leave feeling like you’ve just built a little roadside shrine to happiness together? Those kind of people?)That is such an amazingly awesome quote, I’m going to have to add it to my quote file! :-D-Katherine


  5. Re the ludicrously dressed celebrities link: wasn’t the Jordan-Peter Andre wedding about a year and a half ago? Maybe more?”Rustling of old newspapers” indeed. And I think you missed an extremely important detail: the wedding dress had a detachable skirt, becoming a mini dress for the apres-ceremony party! That is if I am remembering correctly. I could be wrong. My brain is a little befuddled by all that pink net.One thing that couple did which was in excellent and applaudable taste, they did not try to hide or airbrush the fact that one of their children has special needs. He is front and center in all the family photos. You might say “Well, of course!” but believe me, this is not “of course!”


  6. I second Katherine’s thanks for the lovely description of that kind of “roadside shrine” conversation; just reading it made me physically remember that feeling, and faraway friends with whom I’ve shared talks like that. RE: polka dots, I am watching two patterns right now on Ebay, and I think it’s largely because the designs (while inherently good) are shown in polka-dot fabric. (I’m also watching some vintage polka dot fabric, even though I have two batches on the way!) None of them is brown polka-dot, however, which is its own wonderfulness. Brown-and-white gingham, too, is a favorite.By the way, I’m guessing most folks on the West Coast doesn’t actually care very much about what’s happening on the East Coast – or rather, they don’t worry too much about it. California is its own Middle Kingdom, and looks to, say, Hong Kong and not London (if it looks anywhere past its own bellybutton). If you’re in a field where you have to be on top of what’s going on in New York or the Beltway, you just have to move there, I think. In Santa Cruz, people listen to Democracy Now, and then they check the surf report (or rather vice-versa). The time difference does make phone calls more difficult, but I feel like I so rarely make phone calls now…and it’s true, as missmaya points out, dressaday is usually pipin’ fresh for me to read with my morning Irish Breakfast, so I can wake up gently and gird my loins for Amy Goodman.


  7. I love the polka dot dress–oh for a waistline again!I had to check out the site on the celebrities that I had never heard of. I kept thinking with each of the pictures that she had better not get close to any pins that might pop those boobs! Wonder what she will look like when gravity, as it does to older women, pulls those boobs down around her waist!


  8. Unless you need to be up with NYC or London for work, it doesn’t matter here in the West. Although your comment reminded me of an article whose author was all for getting rid of times zones. I don’t think they had thought it all out, as many issues come to mind.The dress is lovely.I hope you have been enjoying our “wintery” weather here.


  9. Gail – as you may have guessed, just from the size, Jordan’s boobs are not originally her own, so when everything else has headed south I guess they will still be pointing east and west.I remember me and quite a few friends being awed, not in a good way, by that frock. Fortunately not all English folk have such unreserved (!) taste.


  10. I very rarely comment — even though I regularly visit and love Dress-a-Day — but today I have to add my comments to Katherine and Nora’s:I’m so grateful for this gem of building a “little roadside shrine to happiness together”! Thank you, Erin! I’ve never before had such a perfectly eloquent image & phrase for that feeling that I know so well, and treasure. I’m so grateful for the amazing folks I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with on those endlessly-varied roadside shrines to happiness, and now when I’m remembering those times, I’ll picture that I’m going back to visit those little one-of-a-kind shrines. ~ L


  11. Well do I know the pain of missing an e-bay auction. As for living in the Pacific Time Zone: hey, we’re all on time, it’s YOU guys who are up too dang early!


  12. You have to remember not all the Pacific time zone is on Caifornia time Erin!! Up here in the Great Northwest we have several (hey, it is the PACIFIC Northwest, not the Midwest area of the US, LOL) inches of new snow in the Seattle and surrounding areas. They don’t do that kind of thing very well here as they are more used to rain. As for that god-awful ugly wedding dress…don’t think I would have wanted something like that even in my grade school years. I know that’s when most little girls seem to go through the phase of loving pink/purple in combinations or separately. That’s just way more pink and sparkly than I could have taken! Sad to think what the money that was spent on all that could have done for their favorite charities instead. But whoever said celebrities were into common sense instead of excess? Who would all of us normal people have to make fun of or gasp at otherwise? I’ve got to admit it brightens my day when my sad fashion sense is superior to someone who has the money to dress better!!


  13. I think the only time I’ve really noticed the impact of the time zones was on vacation in Hawaii – thank goodness I was on vacation, and didn’t need to keep up with anything happening in the real world.Your description of dinner conversation was delightful!


  14. Oh that dress is just the bomb! I’m sorry you missed it Erin; it would feel good just knowing who owned it. sigh….as for the cake frosting extravaganza… i’m speechless?!


  15. You think being on the US West Coast is bad – I live in China. This falls into the category of ‘so late I’m early’:::bex


  16. Great dress! You’re very funny =o) I hope you get straightened out on your time zones. It’s no fun to be tired at 2:00 in the afternoon and awake at 3:00 in the morning.


  17. oh my god…I use to OWN that dress!!!!I’m sure its long gone now, back in the days where I’d buy a dress wear it a few times, then resell it back to Wasteland and buy another pretty frock for $18….oh I miss those days!


  18. Varied comments:Where can we learn more about the documentary on words? Did you know that Firefox users can’t post? I had to switch to that other browser…Love Dress A Day! The Secret Lives of Dresses sometimes make me sad, though.


  19. Hmm. Firefox works for me! You may have your popup blocker set too high, as Blogger does its commenting in a popup. As soon as I have a good URL for the documentary I will share it!And thanks!


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