Fashion advice for students of Greek

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Marian went to see a languid Mr. Worth to order a new gown. "He was standing pensively by the window in a long puce-colored dressing gown with two exquisite black spaniels—twins—sitting on two green velvet chairs. This is what he wants me to have: the main dress gold color, the velvet only to lay the lace on and at the bottom in front. I have become bored with the idea of getting any new gowns, but Henry says, 'People who study Greek must take pains with their dress.'"

from Henry Adams: A Biography.

Marian is Marian Adams, Henry's wife (also known as "Clover"). Marian committed suicide in 1885. I'm afraid to say that Henry Adams, for all his scholarship, sounded quite difficult to live with and a prime example of the kind of man who believes women make fine ornaments or pets, but are certainly not people. The statue above is the memorial Henry had built in Rock Creek Cemetery; click on the image to read more about Marian and the memorial——both are very interesting.

0 thoughts on “Fashion advice for students of Greek

  1. “In fact it is rather droll to examine women’s minds. They are a queer mixture of odds and ends, poorly mastered and utterly unconnected. “As one educated woman to another — pah.And at least Dante Gabriel Rossetti, when his wife committed suicide, destroyed *his* work rather than hers. (And then had to exhume her to get it back…)


  2. Apparently Eleanor Roosevelt, according to her biography by Blanche Wiesen Cook, identified with Marian Adams’ sad tale and took great solace in visiting the Adams Memorial during her days as a Washington wife.


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