Okay, okay, finally.

I know, I know, I've been promising pictures of stuff I've sewn, especially Duros, for ages now, haven't I? Well, here's one …

Liberty dot Duro

This is made up of some of the Liberty I bought in London, along with some solid quilting cotton for the banding (which my friend Brad helped me choose — he has a remarkable eye for color, unsurprisingly). It was very difficult to get the right warm brown to match the brown lozenges in the print!

I really like the brown-and-blue combo (I like brown with most other colors, actually). It's fairly lightweight, which means for autumn and winter I've been wearing it over a ecru long-sleeved scoopneck shirt and tights. That makes it mostly warm enough.

Here's a closeup of the bodice (I made only an impressionistic ironing attempt, so excuse the remaining creases):

Liberty dot Duro

I think the only alteration I made from the original pattern was to lengthen the waist ties so that I could bring them around and tie them in the front, which I prefer. It's easier to tie, for one, and it looks a little more grown-up than the ties in the back.

All right. There you go. I made two other Duros round about the same time as I made this one, and I don't think I've posted pictures of either of them, so I'll try to take them tomorrow or over the weekend. Wish me luck!

0 thoughts on “Okay, okay, finally.

  1. Love it! You did a great job on that dress. I love the colour combination. Blue and chocolate is my all-time favourite colour combo.


  2. I also love that color combo. It has shown up mostly in pottery and placemats at our house, though. (My mother quilted placemats to match the pottery many years ago.)


  3. My goodness! Your friend Brad does such fascinating things. I’ve been wandering through his website and links for an hour.


  4. Ohhh, I like that — it looks like it the midriff band hits the natural waistline, which I think is flattering to more figure types. The neckline looks awfully low, though. Can you wear the dress without a camisole and still maintain your dignity?


  5. Good call with making the ties longer! My only complaint about my Duro are the girlie ties in the back. I think I will have to make another one and borrow your idea đŸ™‚


  6. Gidget, sadly, no. But I like doing the camisole thing (I buy the tanks from American Apparel) because it lets you do yet another color contrast!


  7. Great colors and I love the dots! I just picked up a new patterns today (something I don’t do often). Several Duro tops . . . New Look #6677. Armed with my new sewing machine you’ve inspired me to spend my Saturday sewing!


  8. Good luck ;-)Looking forward to seeing more pictures. Didn’t you promise to show us your XMAS-present from Mr. Dressaday too?Love the colorcombinations…you have a real gift – no wait, several gifts: combining fabrics, sewing, writing, writing funny….If you are also tall and skinny I’ll have no choice but to hate you!


  9. Gorgeous, gorgeous colors. I love that brown, and of course the liberty print. Nice call on which color to pick up for the solid; and great ties. Well played!


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