dressaday tshirts

Thanks to Melanie at A Cluster of Parrots, who designed the logo! (Melanie's baby onesies with the bow ties? My *favorite* baby presents.)

Here's the deal:

  • They're American Apparel tees (which means they come in AA sizes, see poll below)
  • They're pink with brown ink. We'll do other colors later, I bet. Leave a comment if you have suggestions.
  • The logo will be smallish (about palm-size) and centered on the front of the shirt, on the upper sternum, for fewer bustage-stretchage issues.
  • They'll come right from Melanie, who is lovely to deal with. (As much as I love CafePress, I wanted the Dress A Day t-shirts to be crafty and hand-done and from a small, mom-run business … it just seemed appropriate. I may still use CafePress for tote bags and postcards and whatnot; tell me what you want in the comments!)
  • Cost: $15, plus $4.60 priority mail shipping (in US). (International Shipping will be extra, depending on where you are and how fast you want your shirt.)

Please take our size poll so that I know what sizes to order! The poll will be up for a week or so; Monday I'll put it in the sidebar or something. Then I'll put up the link for ordering after we know what sizes people want.

I know there's lots we haven't answered, like whether we'll do men's sizes, and when exactly you'll be able to order them, and so forth, so go ahead and leave comments and I'll try to answer them as best I can, although you should expect a lot of "I don't knows" and "Let me look into thats".

0 thoughts on “COMING SOON: A Dress A Day T-SHIRTS!

  1. Personally, to be honest I do not like the logo either. Firstly I don’t think it covers what Dress A Day stands for. And the mood it evokes is not “Dress A Day”-ish enough to me, it’s a bit too simple. Otherwise,since I am a fan as well, I would buy a logo T-shirt if the logo would appeal to me. Regards!


  2. Bummer. The logo is uninspired and not a dress.Bummer. Everyone does t-shirts.I understand the commitment you have made to the blog, and that you may seek a tangible reward. But golly! T-shirts?Other than that, the results of the New Word Open Mic will be interesting!


  3. Just thought of something that could be useful. You link to Fashion Incubator – a blog about “lessons from the sustainable factory floor.” ( not check with Ms. Fasenella about a US based, non-sweat shop t-shirt producer?My previous comments on logo/t-shirt still apply.


  4. They’re cute, but I agree with the many posters that the logo doesn’t really evoke what Dress a Day is all about. (I couldn’t care less about the origin of the shirts since I buy most of mine at Goodwill.)On a slightly more dress related note, did anybody see what Ashley Judd wore when her husband won the Indy 500? Midriff band, a tiered skirt and RICKRACK. I think I just gained a whole new respect for that woman.


  5. Hey, sorry to chime in so late. I do like the logo but also wish it were a dress. And I second some folks’ votes for the opposite coloring (e.g. brown with pink), or some other color – I’m also on the ruddy side and some pinks are just WRONG on me. I understand the mixed feelings about AA. Another place to check out might be No Sweat apparel; they have union made AND some that are both union made and organic (and brown)! I haven’t dealt with them myself but they seem to have the best combination of stylish and righteous. Ah, the fraughtness of consumption in our modern age!


  6. I would love Dress A Day clothing, but there’s no way I could fit into AA tee-shirts. So I’ll wait for the fabric and salute all of you wearing the tees. Sigh.Laura Anderson


  7. I agree with Bea (and with 4:17 Anonymous). AA makes t-shirts for little girls and women who want to pretend they’re little girls, and I’m not a little girl. I’d wager most of your readers aren’t little girls either. This rack is a 44E (getting professionally measured was the best thing ever for making my clothes fit right), and AA doesn’t make anything that’ll even go over my shoulders. Even if I could get into their sizes, wearing a t-shirt as tight as they seem to want them worn looks so uncomfortable to me.I love the design, and I might buy it (in pink on brown, not the other way around) if it were available in a men’s XXL or even larger.


  8. Can’t a shirt just be a shirt? What is up with all this judgement on the sizes and the non-dress aspect and the political correctness of the maker of the shirt? Sheesh. If you don’t like it, don’t get one. I’ll get one, simply for the shallow concept that I like t-shirts and I like dressaday.


  9. A shirt CAN be just a shirt. Course, in this case, the shirt isn’t YET a shirt, and the potential creator/vendor of said would-be shirt has solicited input from potential buyers of shirt-to-be … and has expressed a concern for the creative/ethical provenance of the shirts … and runs a blog, where people, through comments, discuss things … and has asked for commentary. So yeah, while a shirt can be just a shirt, people clearly have strong feelings about 1) how their shirts fit and 2) the cost (financial and social) associated with the shirts they wear. So someone who’s sticking a toe into a market is wise to find out what kinds of feelings her potential buyers have about these things.


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