ButterflyBlue cards

Amanda at the Etsy store butterflyblue is making these dress-patterned-themed cards and offering them to people who buy patterns from her shop (and use the code "Dressaday" when doing so).

Getting sweet handmade bonuses like this is one of my favorite things about buying from Etsy shops or on Ebay or from small websites. I love it when the packing slip is an old postcard, or a piece of construction paper rubber-stamped with the name of the store, or a cut-up magazine page, and not something printed from a laser printer straight out of Microsoft Office's "Invoice" template.

If you're looking for something to buy to get the card, may I suggest this?

Butterick 8492

Isn't this the dress the über-competent 1950s mom would wear? I think so … casual, yet trim and neat, and with that lovely collar. It would make a great summer office dress in pique — cool for the street, but easy to throw a cardigan over in the Land of Air-Conditioning. And when someone wearing this calls your full name (first, last AND middle) out across the neighborhood, you know she means business.

0 thoughts on “GWP

  1. Thanks for this one! I haven’t sewn a dress in over 15 years but this has inspired me. I just snagged the pattern from patternmania at in a size 18 which I hope I can alter to fit me. Thanks again.


  2. Gift With Purchase!!! Always an excellent distractor, today I’ve had to Google your post title to follow along. Now I get it and I truly wish I was not on a pattern-purchasing LOA. Fabulous!


  3. I’ve had my eye out for jackets for a friend who has that 31″ bust that most of us can’t imagine: I always have to grade patterns UP, and I mean WAY UP, and not just in the bust, but I have come to realize that it is also difficult to grade down.I like that this jacket has just a bit of fit with the shoulder darts, front and back, and elbow darts, too. Three-quarter sleeves seem like a good idea for those of us who often push up our sleeves anyway.


  4. I blame you for my recent Etsy addiction. I completely dig the sellers who throw in something extra as a way to say thank you (nono, thank YOU)….and it means a lot more knowing that I’m able to converse directly with the person who made the item that I will love forever in my home. And that is what I tell my husband each time he sees the credit card statement. I usually emphasize the “forever”.


  5. I was just planning on looking like an ber-competent 1950s woman on my boyfriend’s first dinner at the boss’ house! Inspiring!


  6. Forgot to comment on the “Magic to Make” tag on the pattern–gotta love that; it’s so encouraging!The cards are wonderful–I so like recycling in art and craft and wearables. Am saving orphan pattern pieces, bits of trim, empty, tattered vintage pattern envelopes, et al for just such projects, so this is inspiring. Always appreciate GWP, too; such a nice touch, especially when handmade.


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