Sew U: Home Stretch

Sew U: Home Stretch

Little, Brown sent me a copy of Sew U: Home Stretch to review (and two more to give away!) and I've just had a chance to sit down and take a look.

Although I think this book is not especially geared to my personal aesthetic (I lived through the 1980s the first time, thanks) the tips for sewing knits seem incredibly helpful. There's a real guerrilla, make-do tone; although a serger is suggested, you can make most of the knit projects in this book with your regular sewing machine. AND the book includes patterns!

I'm seriously tempted to start making my own t-shirts (or at least shorten the ones I buy online) now that I've read this book. Then they would finally all be the right length!

On to the giveaways: I'll give away the two copies to two people selected at random from those who've made recent changes at the Vintage Pattern Wiki by Friday night, CDT, June 20. (You don't have to join/log in to add to the wiki in general, but if you want to win a book you have to so that I can find you!) Not sure how to participate? here are the original instructions.

Also, Jenny added a Fauxlero category! Go forth and upload and tag, please.

If you're not into knits you might be interested in the first Sew U book, which I reviewed here.

0 thoughts on “Sew U: Home Stretch

  1. I was very lucky to receive a copy (as well as ones to give away myself)! I found the book’s information to be very useful overall, especially for an amatuer seamstress. The first book is an equally great text for those learning to sew.


  2. I have always been terrified of sewing on knits, but recently I purchased a tee that was just way too long. I ended up shortening it myself, using my oooold Singer. It worked out perfectly, and now I’m not scared of stretchy fabric!


  3. Aw come on Erin. I bet you could make a killer roller skating outfit out of knit fabric. There are some really killer knits out there (not your grandma’s double knit fabric!).


  4. I don’t know about making your own T-shirts – it’s difficult to find nice 100% cotton jersey. It’s one of those items that is almost always cheaper to buy than to make (even if you’re staying away from China-made products). That said, I love making little knit dresses for my nieces. Working with knit isn’t nearly as hard as tissue lame or silky poly.


  5. This will be good because my neice likes t-shirt fabric (cotton jersey, I guess Channel would call it). PS: at the vintage pattern wiki, how do you embed the pattern image in the new page you’ve created? I uploaded image, but now I think it’s just floating around in there on its own!


  6. I just attempted to create a page for Simplicity 7811. I uploaded my image but can’t seem to get the image to associate with the article. Sorry for making a mess!-Melinda


  7. does the book have tips on sewing with sweater knits? i have a pile of old cashmere sweaters i’ve been meaning to re-make creatively…


  8. I love wearing knits, but I haven’t got the knack of sewing them yet.I am saving up for a serger and then I will try again.


  9. Thanks! I see how it works now and I think I can even add the few others I’ve been searching for without fear of any major mishaps!-Melinda


  10. I bought this book and I have to say I am disappointed. After I made my first t-shirt, I realized that my questions would not be answered in the book. What is it about all these new “hip” sewing books that eschew details? Not to mention the inane writing. Bring back the content! But anyhoo, without a coverstitch machine, hemming knit fabric is hard to do–it makes a kind of “wavy lettuce edge” as it inevitably stretches while you zigzag it on your sewing machine (my serger was doing this too, until I adjusted the presser foot pressure).She barely addresses this issue and doesn’t offer many , if any, solutions. One thing you can do is ease up the pressure on your presser foot, if it’s adjustable, or press down on the fabric right behind the presser foot while you sew for two to three inches at a time, essentially in an attempt to create your own differential feed. Ironing can also help “unstretch” the fabric.


  11. First off, Erin, I love your blog. It has inspired me to a) start sewing again, and b) wear more skirts and dresses! I’ve spent much of today perusing the archives, and I noticed the name of one book about altering patterns come up a couple times, and to my dismay I cannot remember the title. I believe it was three words, either “Fit to ___” or “___ to Fit”, but I’m not positive. It wasn’t the Palmer book (“Fit for Real People”). Any help regarding the title would be greatly appreciated!


  12. Off-topicThe great sewing/vintage conspiracy has claimed another victim. Erin, based on your raves, I bought a pair of Prada patent loafers on eBay. Not full price but not cheap either! Truly your power is great. We will all submit in the end.-BEx in Shanghaiaka Lily Chase – my sewing conspiracy name, now that I’ve joined


  13. I bought the first Sew U book, and while I did find it easy to read & understand, I was PISSED that the patterns included were in small sizes only, a fact not mentioned anywhere on or in the book. I am a glamazonian 5’10”, and the idea of me fitting into these tiny patterns is laughable. I e-mailed the author months ago about this & never heard back.I will go back to it eventually, but since my whole goal in re-learning to sew was to to avoid this sort of angst, my snit is currently still in fairly full flame.


  14. quitelight needs to come take a look at my pattern store, Born Too Late Vintage Patterns, which caters to women who are glamazons.


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