Crowdsourcing Color Choices

Remember this pattern?

newspaper 4829

Well, I had a couple spare hours last night (Sure, I was sorry that my husband and son were stuck in traffic, but I wasn't going to let that stop me from SEWING with that found time) and decided to give it a shot:

newspaper 4829 fan cotton

And this is as far as I got. Which is pretty far, except that I need to buy bias trim for the edging, and I'm undecided as to which color it should be.

Colors I have ruled out: red, black, brown, gray, green, and (gasp) orange.

Colors I'm still thinking about: mustardy yellow, turquoise, blue, pink.

I'm looking for a kind of Palm-Beach, Lilly Pulitzer vibe from this dress. What do y'all think?

Here's a better look at the belt part:

newspaper 4829 fan cotton

I haven't done the buttonholes or the buttons, obviously, because I want them to match the binding. I zigzagged a facing to the wrong side, to stiffen it a bit and keep the edges from fraying too much.

And the neck:

newspaper 4829 fan cotton

Anyway, as you can see, the dress is pretty "eh" without the bias edging. It did sew up really quickly, though, which was nice. The skirt will definitely flap as you walk, showing the wrong side (which on this fabric is nearly white) so I'm almost convinced that I should line the thing, which would then (bonus!) make it reversible. I might have enough turquoise cotton to do that, and then instead of bias binding I could do rick-rack in the seam …

I still have NO IDEA where the pockets will go. I think they will have to be patch pockets applied after the bias binding, so I can get the spacing right.

Ideas? Comments?

0 thoughts on “Crowdsourcing Color Choices

  1. Oh, I just looked at Becky W’s photoshop options, too. I’m still voting for pink, but a very soft pink, nothing so assertive. It did sway me a bit on the yellow, but it would have to be very soft, as well.


  2. I think mustardy yellow. And that fan print is really, really cute. I also love the gathering at the neck–it really does have that Lily vibe!


  3. I choose turquoise, or any blue which matches the fan print. Can’t wait to see it completed! Unless I overlooked something, the pattern name and number were not listed. The link to Patterns from the Past is for a different pattern. I like yours much better.


  4. I think pink or turquoise and baby white ric rac to match the edge of the fan.Patch pockets to perfectly match the print that the patch goes over.And a be sure to buy an aqua slip to wear under it.


  5. pink! pink! pink! and i second adriennes idea about the 3/4 sleeves: it would make the dress more stylish, but the pink! of the bias binding would prevent it from becoming too serious


  6. Turquoise or yellow–turquoise would be expected, but mustardy yellow would be delightfuly different, so I would go with yellow. I’m not going to be the one wearing the dress, so I can’t wait to see what you choose. đŸ™‚


  7. Why on earth no orange? What could be better than green and orange? But failing that I have to second OH GOD PLEASE DO MUSTARDY YELLOW!Just because it’d be so 50s. Or turquoise, but I don’t think it’s enough of a contrast..


  8. This is such a cute dress! For my two cents, I agree with the aqua/turquoise binding. If you line it, the aqua would be a nice choice, and then a white rick rack in the seam might be very pretty.I really admire your enthusiasm for sewing and use of vintage patterns in particular!


  9. I will vote with the minority on green trim. I usually am all about contrasts, but somehow this dress is calling for a more subtle approach. Once you add a pretty button, contrast lining, and pockets, with that print you’re putting a lot of stuff on a small figure. if you want to contrast though, find a color that matches the shoes you’ll wear with it.Now on the pockets – why should it be impossible to insert them into the darts on the side? just slash the dart open, and treat it like a side seam. I’ve never done this before, but I can’t see why it wouldn’t work. I adore the gathered neckline. So much so that I want to learn to drape, so I can adjust all of my patterns to have that neckline.


  10. I like the idea of turquoise. It’s a nice accent that picks up on a color from the fabric, yet it’s subtle enough to not look “cheap”. I think a maxi piping edge would go nicely. ^^I disagree on the lining idea. Wrong sides of fabric can be beautiful, too! ^o^ Also, wouldn’t an extra layer of fabric get a little *hot* for summer? O_o;;Hope that helped~


  11. I vote for shocking pink.Isn’t it amazing the way a change in fabric can update a dress? If you had sewn this pattern in some crisp solid fabric with contrast piping it would look very 60’s. In this lovely print the dress is a perfect timeless summer outfit. Wear it in good health!


  12. The fabric is so beautiful, that if it was me, I’d want the bias binding made from the dress fabric. Or edge-to-edge line it in one of the colours from the fans – first choice green, second choice what seems to be a nice rosy-brown. However, YOU are Erin, so I vote mustard. (I can’t bring myself to vote pink, even when I’m pretending to be you.)


  13. While I am normally one to go for turquoise( or orange) I think in this case, pink is the color I’m gonna vote for. It will be femmy and smart while still having nice contrast. Plus, pink and green is very spring and I am sweltering away wishing it were still spring.


  14. Isn’t that a mauve stripe, too? or is it purple? I’d go with the pink or mauve/purple.


  15. Ok, I know you said white was a problem for you, but I think if you used turquiose edging (definitely)and then lined it with white, and then wore it in reverse, it look so superb on those days at the club when you were sitting by the pool having a business meeting and drinking…oh, I don’t know, martinis with tiny onions maybe, and eating lobster salad. I say no rickrack because it reduces the classiness cleaness factor


  16. That fabric is exquisitely elegant. I know the color on a computer screen isn’t necessarily the actual color of the fabric, but I think to keep the beauty of the fabric I would use a green similar to the background OR a deeper rose pink or lovely purple as seen in the fans. There is soooooooooooooo much bias trim used on this dress that I would want to be careful not to detract too much from the fabric but just a touch of contrast to bring out the design of the dress.


  17. MUSTARDY YELLOW definitely receives my vote. It is a classic color, yet vintagey-retro, yet also very in vogue now. So basically, you can’t go wrong. Your dress will be stylish for eternity as it fits in all major categories of fashion.p.s. I saw a comment on here from somebody named San Antonio Sue… I am also in south Texas and would LOVE to find some like minded vintage sewing buddies. Sue, if you are out there and interested, let’s get in touch.


  18. Had to stop by and admire that fabric – it is one of your Japanese fabrics? I’d go with Sue above for high contrast in the trim color. The turquoise would do it nicely. Then, you could wear that green bag, or mustard yellow SHOES!!


  19. I vote pink, because I love pink & green together. You could line it entirely in a lightweight to reverse the dress, like that idea, but pockets need to be camoflauged, matched with the print. Cool dress, which I have the same pattern, now I am inspired to make it.Kate & San Antonio Sue seem to be in my region (Yorktown is SE of San Antonio, about 60 miles, in the country).


  20. the fabric!!! the fabric !!! please please Erin tell us about the fabric. I can’t believe that I somehow missed that posting


  21. the fabric!!! the fabric !!! please please Erin tell us about the fabric. I can’t believe that I somehow missed that posting


  22. Dahling. . . it must be pink or green for that Palm Beach look. Not that anyone is in Palm Beach now. Everyone is up in the Hamptons or on the Cape.


  23. I am so impressed! Two hours and you have a dress (almost!).Anyway, my vote is for turquoise. I love green and blue together.


  24. Love the fabric – absolutely gorgeous. I’ve been labouring over a pair of gents pants for a while now and you’re inspiring me to get going on a dress again.


  25. Wow, this really does look better in real life and on the pattern illustration. What a nice surprise!I say: Pink all the way! How can you ignore the advice of a person who owns more than 100 Lilly’s ladies? It has to be pink. [Mustard is for hot dogs.]


  26. I agree with Liz F “I was all for turquoise until I saw Becky W’s photoshop options” – now I say YELLOW. Yellow harmony with the yellow-green background. Becky, you are a clever lady! How great would that be to do for all life choices.Erin, I look forward to seeing your choice finished.Cheers, Flagon Donaldson of the Conspiracy


  27. oh my gosh, i LOVE this. ALL of it. the pattern (i think i would kill for that pattern and i am not an accomplished seamstress), the fabric…. LOVE IT! i can imagine that whatever trim you choose this will look so lovely! (i’d be inclined toward the yellow or a turquoise blue myself) please post a pic when it is finished….


  28. I vote for the turquoise lining – pink bias edging, and secret pockets. Please – no rick-rack.Blessings,Patti


  29. I *really* like the lines of this dress now that it is partially made up. I was not jazzed about the pattern illustration.If pockets are a must, I would put small patch pockets on the over-dress layer close to the front edge. Of course, I would put them on before the lining, and perhaps stabilize them a with a bit of light weight fusible interfacing on the dress fabric back. If the print was matched carefully, you would hardly know they were there. (Unless they, too, were edged with rick-rack/piping.)Amy


  30. I vote for turquoise binding, unless you line it in turquoise, in which case, I’d vote a mustardy yellow. Now I’m curious to see a tally!


  31. Much as I like the mustardy yellow idea, I think that pink is the most appropriately Pulitzer color.And yes, about that fabric – is it Liberty? I want to hunt it down and make something from it. After I pet it for a while and tell it how pretty it is.


  32. Sorry, I kept meaning to get back here and say, yes, it’s Liberty Viktor, I bought it from from Laluthan!


  33. i think a blue or a turquoise would be really pretty – enough of a contrast but not too much. anyhow, it looks wonderful already.


  34. The dress is so nice. I love green. I wish I can sew like that. I’m still learning, just doing minimal mending and stuff. My mother, she makes clothes like this, too. She’s one of my inspiration. Now, I’m adding you to that list. Hehe!By the way, Keith gave me your blog address. I am forever thankful! Have a nice day!


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