Comic Con Dresses Are the Best Dresses

Kristen is a very, very lucky person. First of all, she was lucky enough to find this fabric on eBay:

comics fabric

Then, she was lucky enough to go to Comic Con, which I have always wanted to do … not just for the comics, but for the clothes. I mean costumes. Whatever.

And finally, she (naturally) decided that a trip to Comic Con needed a new dress, and made this one:

comics dress

Hmm, perhaps now that I think about this, it might not be luck — it's starting to look suspiciously like good planning and hard work … which is even more impressive!

You should totally go check out Kristen's blog) to see the side and back views and the awesome red shoes she chose to go with the dress, too.

0 thoughts on “Comic Con Dresses Are the Best Dresses

  1. Haha, that’s awesome! I love those conversational prints… seems like Hancock Fabrics has a much better selection than JoAnn (Darth Vader fabric FTW!), but those stores are so few and far between… ;_;


  2. that is too cool. i want to make a Teenage Mutant Ninja dress and an X Man dress but cna’t find any fabric I like. 😦


  3. I commented on her blog, I think it looks great! We lost our Hancock Fabrics here, JoAnn is just sad. I now am forced to make trips to Vogue periodicly. Poor me!;)


  4. I love that fabric! And I’d love to go to Comic Con, too πŸ™‚ There’s just something about it that makes me want to go. I’m trying to convince my boyfriend into integrating next year’s Comic Con into our plans to travel to Vancouver for his brother’s wedding next July. He’s not buying it. I don’t get why people wouldn’t want to go πŸ™‚


  5. Um…you do know that Comic Con is way far away from Vancouver, right? Like, at the far edge of the neighboring country?


  6. Today I heard a reporter for NPR interviewing a librarian who was attending Comic Con. (Of course I thought of you). She was there to buy Manga. Apparently the school libraries can’t keep these Japanese graphic novels on the shelves, they are so popular. One in particular she mentioned was “Fruit Basket”. I haven’t looked at that one but my Dad was a huge fan of comics and graphic novels, so I read literally tons of them after he passed. Colleen


  7. Heh. Way back when the world was young, and dinosaurs roamed the Earth, La BellaDonna roamed the Costume-Con. In costume.Does the word, “Vampirella” mean anything to you?*Sigh.* I miss the days of trying to figure out how to make a completely backless wrap top. With epaulettes. Lugging around raccoons ….**Sigh…..**


  8. God that’s gorgeous…I don’t honestly know if there are things like ComicCons in the UK, so whether I could go to one is in doubt. We do have computer fairs though, which is great to buy cheap circuitboards, etc., to include in stuff. I also own some blue-on-white spiderman print material I haven’t done anything with yet, I’m thinking a pencil skirt, but no chance could it look as great as this dress.


  9. Don’t worry, mh, we have comic cons (though not ComicCon)in the UK. The ones I hear of most tend to be asia rather’n america-centric, but check out London Expo, or even collectormania for example. There’s also a pretty big comics meet in bristol every year or so, I think?Worth researchin’ for the sake of spiderman skirts, though. :]


  10. Anonymous Jul 28, 2008 3:39:00 PM said… Um…you do know that Comic Con is way far away from Vancouver, right? Like, at the far edge of the neighboring country?—Yep πŸ™‚ It’s in San Diego, which is in the same time zone as Vancouver and is a shortish flight or leisurely drive away from there. [On a side note: A drive down the coast visiting my family there on the way would be perfect!] We live in Waterloo, Ontario (about an hour’s drive west of Toronto), which is much farther away from San Diego than Vancouver is.The whole thing comes about because usually we go to the International Juggling Association’s annual convention around that week. And usually, the IJA would have the conference somewhere on the west coast because they’ve had it in the east for the last few years. If that plan had come together, we’d be heading for the IJA conference from Vancouver. Instead, the conference is going back to Winston-Salem, NC next year.So you see, if we were staying home in Waterloo, we could easily go to Winston-Salem in a short flight. But since we’re going to be in Vancouver, we can’t easily get there as the flights are too long. I’ve always wanted to see Comic Con, and from Vancouver, we could get to San Diego pretty easily with a shortish flight. I guess distance is a relative thing.Clear as mud, huh? πŸ™‚


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