The Last Duro Jr of Summer 2008

ultimate Duro Jr

So this is the last iteration of Simplicity 3875, at least for Summer 2008. This is (if you don't recognize it) some of the fabric I bought at Tomato in Japan.

Here's the bodice, close-up:

ultimate Duro Jr

There's a little white speck at the vee of the neck where I need to either clip the threads better, or color over the thread with a marker (I'm not fussy!). I used white thread for this, because I didn't really have any red or orange that looked right.

Here's the back:

ultimate Duro Jr

I altered the pattern to add a back waist seam for ease of construction, but (as you can see) I put it in the wrong place! It's right for my Actual Waist, but wrong for the waist of the dress. I'll raise it next time, if I remember.

Here's the back, close-up:

ultimate Duro Jr

I actually forgot that the entire back was two pieces, and not one on the fold (and so I cut it on the fold). I didn't want to have a center back seam in the skirt, though, so I left that part on the fold, and just eased it into the bodice. Worked fine. (I didn't want to leave the back bodice on the fold, because that would have screwed up the neck facing, possibly.)

I do this sort of stuff ALL THE TIME (especially if I'm in a hurry) and it's almost always recoverable. A slightly smaller or bigger seam allowance here, a few unplanned gathers there, and everything works out okay. You can do a lot of "fixing" if you just think about it for a few minutes before you give up. (Of course, I wouldn't have to do so much "fixing" if I spent those few minutes thinking before I cut out the pattern pieces, but I suppose that's why they're called "mistakes", and not "happy fun time jitterbug sparkles".)

Despite the mistakes, though, I was really happy with this dress. The fabric is beautiful; smooth and light, and I love the colors. I got a lot of compliments on this dress … I wish we still had another month of summer for me to wear it in!

But anyway, speaking of "happy fun time jitterbug sparkles", Penny at Antique Dollhouse of Patterns is offering this pattern free to whoever clicks on it first. Go!

And Ingrid is giving away patterns here — but you have tell her what you like most about Spring (guess what hemisphere Ingrid is in)?

0 thoughts on “The Last Duro Jr of Summer 2008

  1. I agree–this is my favorite of the series! It’s just lovely even if there are a few happy fun time jitterbug sparkles mixed into the project.


  2. Beautiful! I try not to call them mistakes…they are “design decisions”. I love the whole 50’s feeling that fabric has. I want to go to Tomato!


  3. that duro jr is stunning! Oh, I love it! Maybe you can get away with it a little longer this year, what with this fall’s bright color palette… 🙂


  4. Thank you Erin…My store is ringing off the hook and the free pattern went into minus inventory mode and sold 3 times.. Myra you were 1st to pay and sent you one pattern today, and I sent my second copy to the first person that actually purchased it successfully in the store, Julia.. Going out today… Thank you.. The patterns are now going home!!! Penny


  5. Absolutely love this one…I am all about that fabric. Don’t know why you feel so limited about when you can wear it, isn’t that what all those cardigans are for? I hope you go out and wow ’em! Tina


  6. I second the push it into fall vote. A nice little cardigan and you are set.Excellent colors and what mistakes? I see some clever design interpreting, that’s all!


  7. Love your dress. I broke down and bought this pattern at a Labor Day sale. I must find some nice fall color fabric – will be hot here for a long time – but I guess I could get in the spirit with the color at least. I am dying to make it.


  8. I need to go fabric shopping with you. You have such a fabulous eyes for coordinating fabrics. I’m just terrible at it. *sigh*


  9. Love it!May I suggest the investment of some silk thermals? A long sleeve turtle neck and some leggings? Then you can wear some of your cotton dresses for longer. Silk is so comfortable and breathable you won’t get sweaty in it like some of the cheaper stuff. I buy mine from Patra. They are definitely expensive, but daily wear 7 or 8 months of the year, 2 pairs of leggings (one to wash and one to wear!) last me 2 winters in the cotton/silk blend. So I think it’s worth it.You’ve sewn a lot this summer – keep going, wanna see what you do with the next lot of fabrics!!Cheers,AJ


  10. This is totally my favorite fabric so far–loooove the way the print works with the shape. Yum! Wear the crap out of it ‘fore the coldness sets in!


  11. This dress is really lovely, Erin — beautiful fabric!I almost bought this pattern this weekend, I didn’t even recognize it as the Duro Junior…d’oh!


  12. This is Chicago. You may well have another month (or two) of weather warm enough to wear this dress in. Or not. You never can tell with Chicago.


  13. I’m with the majority — this is the best of your Duro Jr’s.Surely a red cardigan, black tights, and a slip underneath would stretch the wearing time until late September. When I lived in New England I would often layer up several skirts to keep the chill off my legs. Two or three layers of cotton in fall and spring, two or 3 layers of wool in winter (Much warmer than jeans — at least if you like your skirts mid-calf to ballerina length so they would come down over the top of the snow boots).


  14. “happy fun time jitterbug sparkles” – i’m totally using this the next time i make a sewing mistake. there’s nothing like a smile to diffuse a situation.


  15. That is simply super fabric. And I DID recognize it as the fabric you got at Tomato…I said to myself…”hey, I know that fabric!”Thanks for allowing us all to follow you around on your adventures. Sometimes it can feel like stalking…but it isn’t.


  16. I love this Duro Jr. Fabulous use of this fabric. Thanks for hipping us to this pattern – even though I’m pregnant at the moment, I plan to buy the pattern and make it next summer.


  17. That dress is lovely. And the fabric is adorable. I don’t suppose Tomato has webstore. Then again, I probably wouldn’t be able to translate it even if they did. Does anyone have any ideas where to buy fabric like this online?


  18. Erin, I’m going against the tide here. It’s a lovely dress, but….Surely you have done enough sewing now that you can use a coordinating thread or backstitch at the top of the neck slit. And why would you put that seam in the back? Would you get sloppy with spelling? I think not. You pick such lovely prints. Put in that little extra effort and make you dresses look professional, not home made. After all, you are wearing them in a professional capacity, not just around the house.


  19. I love this dress!! I love the fabric……too bad I can’t sew! 🙂 Maybe one of the famous Duro dresses will make it into a box of goodies headed to Jax?!??!


  20. What a lovely late-summer juicy tomato of a dress! And thanks for the implied permission to make mistakes, and call them jitterbug sparkles. Why not? To respectfully disagree with engineer beth, while you are a professional (insofar as you have a profession), you’re not a professional dressmaker, you’re a happy amateur! Nothing wrong with that.


  21. i have always been kind of skeptical about duros; duro jr.s i liked better but to look at. I saw this one and I fell in LOVE.This is the duro I want in Every color. 33333333 :]


  22. Oh, I love this! I am with Engineer Beth, though. You are at a point where with a few seconds of planning, you would have anyone who stood behind you thinking “Wow! Where did she get that?” Not, “What lovely fabric, looks like she made it herself.” It is so nice to say “I made it myself!” to the comment that accompanies the first thought.


  23. this? this is the most beautiful duro, jr. or otherwise, that i have yet seen. absolutely gorgeous with that fabric. GORGEOUS! i tell you!


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