Last Week, On Vogue Pattern Theatre …

Vogue 487

I think the eBay auction for this is over, but Rachel sent it to me as another fauxlero example. Isn't it magnificent? (The original seller was Cinderella's Ball.)

Can't you just hear the narrator's voiceover? "Last week, Victoria found out that Geoffrey wasn't just a striving young businessman … he's the missing heir to the throne of Graustark! He's come to beg her forgiveness … but will he love the spoiled society belle as much as he loved the glove-counter clerk she was pretending to be? Let's find out this week on Vogue Pattern Theatre!"

Frankly, clerk/belle or businessman/prince, I don't care, I just think I *need* that skirt treatment … even if I will always be getting it caught in the car door. And I need it in that sensational teal color.

(But Victoria better take that hat off before he kisses her, or someone is gonna lose an eye!)

0 thoughts on “Last Week, On Vogue Pattern Theatre …

  1. Totally love, love, love that pattern.Alas, but a poor farmwife am I. The cows would never appreciate it.guess I’ll stick to my 40’s ‘mop-dress’ patterns.


  2. I love the Vogue Pattern theater analogy. The old radio shows are great, which reminds me to tune into a local one tomorrow…


  3. VOGUE PATTERN THEATER! One of the brightest spots in the new fall lineup! This could also be the final scene from A Streetcar Named Desire, with dithering Stella trying to stall the psychiatrist at the door as fancy Blanche waits to be taken off to the carribean by her imaginary boyfriend. (The costume designer decided to put them in the same dress, but in different fabrics, to underscore the fact that they’re sisters.)


  4. Aww come on Erin .. the hats just floofy! It couldnt hurt a fly! I love the whole ensemble. Its a beautiful dress. Oh I so wish my sewing machine worked at the moment. I have a few patterns that are calling my name.


  5. This is what’s missing from pattern illustrations nowadays. I love teal, I love that skirt, I want Victoria’s gloves!


  6. “Seemply laaahvly, Daaahling!” OK, let’s hear that Vogue Pattern Theater, complete with atmospheric crackles! It’s time to disinter the heart of early soap opera! Gotta do it. Could this be some kind of wierd wiki project?


  7. Aw, I thought the man at the door was John Berensford Tifton, the guy who, in my very early youth, used to show up with the big but anonymous check for deserving people.


  8. My mother, who trained at Traphagen in the ’50s, had a silk dress in a print very similar to the one in the background. But hers didn’t have the fantastical back draping, more’s the pity!


  9. Fabulous! Please, SOMEONE let us know how to draft that back skirt treatment! Just to see the pattern piece with the grain line would be great!Can you tell I’m too lazy/daunted to figure it out for myself???When can we expect another exciting episode of Vogue Pattern Theatre?


  10. The real question is, can she love him even though he has no facial features? It’s kind of hard to tell what he’s thinking, so he’ll need to express himself with hatch patterns and watercolor tints.


  11. To me, for some reason, it just looks like she caught her skirt up in the waistband when she was in the washroom and now her slip’s showing.


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