Meet Our Advertisers #8: eVintage Society

Past Perfect dress

Dress from Past Perfect Vintage, a member of the eVintage Society.

What is The eVintage Society?
eVintage was founded in 2006 as a on-line community in the form of a sellers collective.
By collaborating on informational projects we create bonds of partnership within our member community, helping each other to foster each of our own unique on-line vintage businesses. We continue to grow and build vintage fashion resources for everyone to enjoy. We want to not only bridge the community between sellers, but between buyers and sellers too.

Why do people join eVintage?
The opportunities at eVintage for exposure really are only limited to each member's imagination! We have so many ways to promote and participate our members and each of us contributes in some way: whether it's through style sites, blogging, research, newsletters, advertising and special promotions, eVintage wants small vintage sellers to succeed.

How can people join eVintage?
eVintage has an application page here. To apply for membership please email us at: info at evintagesociety dot com.

What does eVintage do for buyers?
eVintage offers a wealth of knowledge and resources for the buyer. We have designer bios, a vintage resource library, and we offer a streamlined portal with a great selection of sellers all in one place. We also have interactive communities on MySpace, Facebook and Squidoo. We have multiple blogs as a collective such as eVintage Village, Vintage or Bust, and eBetty DIY as well as individual sellers' blogs. Buyers can access all this info and links from our homepage at

And a few more pieces of eVintage Society eye candy wouldn't hurt, would it?

Hotchpotch Vintage Pattern Simplicity 3448

Isabella's Vintage dress

Damn Good Vintage dress

0 thoughts on “Meet Our Advertisers #8: eVintage Society

  1. I like the high-waisted green and floral dress above. The way I’m dropping pounds (not the English currency) I might actually be able to fit into something like that soon!


  2. The shape of the blue dress is impressive, I thought it would have a crinoline. Maybe it was starched instead. What a subtle way to keep your daughter’s date at bay. Hehe.


  3. I dislike brown and I loathe orange but that first dress is AMAZING. So shapely, so feminine, so balanced. And yet not something a woman would have been afraid for as she brushed through a crowd of shoppers, cared for small (and possibly sticky), children, or dished up the strawberry shortcake at the church picnic.Is that a bit of a pleat, sewn shut at both ends, on the sleeve/shoulder seam? What a clever way of providing the additional room to move that kimono sleeves often need without creating a blob of fabric in the armpit.


  4. Am enjoying that hint of cyborg that the castors are lending to dress number one.e-Vintage Society is a real find; I’d never have managed to get my mouse over there to click on the ad, so thanks for bringing it into focus for me and my fellow mouse-potatoes.


  5. That first dress is freaking breathtaking. It is, of course, a delicious souffle of colours that would look vile on me, but the cut of the dress is magical – it would look so flattering on so many different women. There are some beautiful, beautiful dresses on that site.


  6. Hi there,Oh Lordy!! I’m looking at all your “vintage” and I actually gave a whole box of those Patterns to the thrift shop!!! Been there ///done that!!! When I look at the “35 cents” on the envelope I groan!!!!!How times have changed…. in every way!Thanks for the memories :-}xoxo((((hugs)))))Maggie


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