The Dress A Day T-Shirt!

dressaday t-shirt

Is here!

Some facts:

— They're $15. Shipping (in the US) is $5.50.
— They're being made by Melanie at Cluster of Parrots, a small, mom-owned business.
— We did end up going with the American Apparel (#2102) tees. (And yes, we know that there are a lot of issues with AA. We totally understand if that makes you not want to buy one.)
— The sizing is: M (B 32-34), L (B 36-38), XL (B 40-42), and 2XL (B 44-46). If you fall outside the size range, I'm very sorry. When we make men's- or kids'-size shirts, maybe they'll work.
— We haven't done totebags or magnets or stickers or buttons/badges or whatnot — all good suggestions, and maybe we'll do them soon …
— Yes, you can get them shipped internationally! (email Melanie through her site for details.)

Click on the image to visit the store.

I know this is a t-shirt, and not a dress. If there were a way for me to do official Dress A Day Dresses without making it my full-time job, I'd do it, I promise. And it's not fabric, although I hope to have Dress A Day fabric (done through Spoonflower) sometime this summer. (We had a looong discussion about all these things when we first broached the idea of t-shirts.)

If you are constitutionally opposed to t-shirts, American Apparel, the color pink, cotton as a fiber, or buying silly things in a recession, please — for both of our sakes' — don't buy one. (Buy a measuring tape instead. It's *useful*.)

If you want to make your own shirt, let me know and I'll see about getting you the logo in a format suitable for iron-on printing or (if you're really cool) silk-screening.

If you buy a shirt and turn it INTO a dress (as several folks threatened to do) then YES I WANT PICTURES please!

Many thanks to everyone who 1) asked for a Dress A Day t-shirt 2) gave feedback and voted in the poll and 3) kept nagging me about it until it happened!

0 thoughts on “The Dress A Day T-Shirt!

  1. Erin you should add “And use Paypal” because some people (myself included) do not/will not.Nice t-shirt. I can’t get one, however.


  2. I’m curious: why won’t you use PayPal? I have never had any problems with it, and I’ve used it to pay for purchases from a few different countries.Besides, you can pay by check or money order instead of PayPal, according to the ordering information on the website.The shirts are a pretty color, Erin. Great job!But American Apparel: Wow! I hadn’t heard about the company’s issues (never listen to the news or read the paper). Now I’m trying to picture what it would be like if the CEO – or any of the bosses at my company – wandered around in his underwear at work. Not a pretty image!I think I’ll go back to looking at the pink t-shirt to get that image out of my head!


  3. Nice to be included in your list of constitutional oppostions :), if it does mean I won’t be buying a shirt. :(I hope lots of others do though – and I surely will when it comes out in green. But you knew I’d say that!!Thanks as ever for being there and all you do!Cheers,AJ


  4. And I was frustrated because my boss sometimes didn’t answer emails. I’ll never complain about that again after reading the AA article!!!


  5. An easy way to make a dress is to cut off the t-shirt just above the waist, then get a nice flowy fabric – maybe a rayon – in any print you like with pink in it. Make a gently gathered skirt to sew onto the t-shirt. Add some ties for the back if you like.I bought a dress last summer made like this at a thrift store and it quickly became a favorite. Sorry, I won’t be able to make one and send a picture because I’m currently packing up my sewing room to re-model, and that work has to be done around my on-going alteration business. I can’t wait to see what dress styles your readers come up with for t-shirts!Janet in Alabama


  6. yep, I’m totally going the tee-shirt-to-dress route. I think I have some leftover pink and red fabric that will be just the thing….


  7. Haha, I was going to comment that I wanted to turn the shirt into a dress or a tote or something… and then I saw your request for pictures! ^^


  8. Someone once posted a link in these comments (about a year ago??) to an American clothing and household linen site. It had beautiful skirts and dresses (butterflies, bird prints etc) and try as I might I can’t find it. I thought perhaps that was where this t-shirt was coming from, but it’s not!!Can anyone help me?Nice t-shirt Erin, but its pink and unfortunately I’m as red-headed as they come, red hair, red cheeks and pink just doesn’t work *sigh*


  9. Because it’s just so cool,I’ve already digitized the design into machine embroidery (since my hands won’t allow for the other kind). I’ll try to get pics up soon.thanks for all the hilarious tales and what not.


  10. How do AA t-shirts fit? I don’t want something all baggy but at the same time I’m so past wearing a skin tight T. Also do they shrink a lot?I just want to make sure I order the correct size and have no idea how this brand fits.


  11. Nan, I usually wear a M or a L (more often a L) and they are fairly tight on me (I’m about a 38B/C). They’re not baggy men’s tees, though. I think they shrink about 10%. Hope this helps!


  12. Apologies aside, it doesn’t feel very inclusive to be told breezily that, if I don’t fit inside a relatively narrow range, that I might some day be able to buy a men’s t-shirt (which do _not_ fit the same as a women’s t-shirt. To fit my chest, the sleeves come down past my elbows). Or I could, you know, buy a tape measure. As a plus size person, I’ve never before felt unwelcome here before, but I kind of do now.


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