The Dress I am Wearing RIGHT NOW

Is this one:

blue deco dress

It's from fabric I bought in China, and it's the same pattern (Vogue 9670) as this dress.

Here's the neck facing, which is a bright pink that matches the pink in the flowers:

blue deco dress

And the back:

blue deco dress

I actually had fun matching the print here, on the center front and back seams. It wasn't as nit.jpgcky or as tedious as I imagined it would be, maybe because the repeat of the pattern is a manageable size.

What I didn't do very well was the zipper:

blue deco dress

The hem is done with pale blue bias tape but the sleeves are done with a pale aqua bias tape. Because I had some left over, and because it looked cool. (You can see that in the top photo.)

This is a really comfortable dress — so comfortable, in fact, that I've made it four times now. I'm wearing the next two over the next few days, and I'll post pictures of them tomorrow and Thursday!

0 thoughts on “The Dress I am Wearing RIGHT NOW

  1. What a great dress! I think I am going to have to seek out this pattern, as this looks very elegant yet comfortable.


  2. Have you tried using a zipper foot instead of the invisible foot? If so, be sure to hand-roll the teeth flat as you sew to get closer to them for a more closed effect, but careful not to catch thread in teeth – it’s the best way I have done them to date; although I am always open to suggestions. god Bless you.


  3. I love the dress! It does look comfy. Can’t wait to see more dresses! Are you joining the PR vintage pattern contest?


  4. Great dress! Really cute. You know the zipper isn’t too bad and is completely fixable. You just need to sew in a bit closer to get the “seam look.” Even with invisible zipper foots often I will need to adjust the needle to get in a bit closer. Love the fabric. You can tell it’s a really special one.


  5. Well now it’s nice to see that pattern made up. Someone just bought that pattern from my store today!


  6. Invisible zippers can be a real cramp in the butt. But when they come out right, they’re terrific! I have also recently learned to do lapped zippers, and love them! This is a nice dress; I’m looking forward to seeing your others. Does this mean spring has gotten to Chicago?


  7. I like seeing the zipper because it matches the neck facing. Besides, I love that shade of pink.Such a pretty dress!


  8. I see little pink haired flower creatures in that print…with pink hands shaking at me! Maybe I need to get away from the computer for awhile.


  9. OH, the print is great and has such subtle colors and you did a great job matching the the print! I like your funky, contrasting facings, too.


  10. So much fun! I love this print, you could pull so many colours from it to match or compliment your accessories, shoes, bags – even nail polish with 🙂


  11. is this a vintage pattern? strange that it calls for an invisible zipper, i would have thought it would use a normal dress zipper with an overlap seam??


  12. Love the print – very Liberty of London. I sympathize with the zipper – after 30+ years of sewing I am finally moving to invisible zippers from lap seam application. It’s a whole new learning curve!


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