This Week's Pattern Story (and interview)

McCalls 8468

Daughter: Ooh, look, Mummy, over there. Isn't he dreamy?

Mother: Haven't I told you not to use that terrible slang? But, hmm. "Dreamy" may be apt, in this case.

Daughter: Can you get the majordomo to introduce us?

Mother: Certainly not. Only pitiful and desperate women need the services of the majordomo, dear. Besides, you have to tip him so much. If I can't get that man to come over here and introduce himself before the band finishes this song through pure application of my feminine wiles, I'll eat my hat.

Daughter: But, Mummy, you're not wearing a hat.

Mother: I'll eat YOUR hat. It doesn't go with your dress, anyway.

(Today's pattern is from Rita. You can find it here.)

Oh, and the lovely Sarah at Pink of Perfection put up a nice interview with me the other day — it's here if you want to read it!

20 thoughts on “This Week's Pattern Story (and interview)

  1. How *do* you think of them, Erin? And what’s with wearing one glove and holding the other? Was that some sort of etiquette thing, or was it because of the rock on the right hand (presumably from the most recent broken engagement)?


  2. these pattern stories are totally the best, plus i always love vintage illustrations.The mother looks like she is about to smack someone with her glove-indigo


  3. i just love these old patterns. those dresses had some class and style to them. wish we had them reproduced for today – but all i find are the repros from my high school days, and that’s a real trip. thank you erin for the entertainment. how did the fabric swap go? any pictures? did you get anything wowza?


  4. What I don’t get is their waists. Talk about an unreachable ideal that makes one feel wholly inadequate. Gee whiz. Maybe the daughter was adopted. Few women who ever had a kid remain wasp-waisted.As for the gloves. I think Maw is teaching DD how to swat the hired help with aplomb.


  5. They each have a glove off because they’re about to challenge each other to a duel over who has the pointier dress.Their choice of weapons? Pointy dresses.


  6. They don’t eat, my dear. They drink champagne and smoke cigarettes while trolling for rich men on cruise ships between New York and Gibralter.


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