Today's Pattern Story (and Sale)

Butterick 8634

LOUISVILLE, KY— The nation's first academy for doughnut-shop hostesses has held its inaugural graduation ceremony last Saturday. The class, of ten aspiring fried-dough doyennes, graduated in an hour-long ceremony which featured a ten-minute silent intermission at the halfway point, "In homage to the hole," Academy Director Gilda Grant pointed out.

"Doughnuts are important in our culture," Grant said in her commencement address. "They are eaten by bums and presidents, by children and the elderly, by the police and by criminals alike. Serving doughnuts is a sacred responsibility."

Members of the first graduating class were equally solemn. "I am looking forward to the day when everyone knows the difference between a cruller and a buttermilk cake," said Sandy Muller, of Fells Point, Wisconsin.

Employment prospects seem bright for these students; many have already received offers from doughnut shops in their hometowns. But with their new credentials, they can afford to be picky. "I got an offer from a place in High Point," said one student, who didn't want to be named. "But they spelled it D-O-N-U-T, so I turned them down."

Grant expects that enrollment in the academy will continue to increase. "In hard times and in good, people want doughnuts. And doughnuts are tastier when served by a trained professional."

[Today's pattern is from Sheila at Out of the Ashes, who is offering 15% off through Wednesday night — use the code BIGTHANKS. Thanks, Sheila!]

23 thoughts on “Today's Pattern Story (and Sale)

  1. Truly a BIGTHANKS to all of you Dressaday readers! I cant thank you all enough for all your business – It is very appreciated!


  2. Love this post story, it is a riot! (especially for such a wacky modified pilgrim collar dress). This dress fits your story line, and I cant imagine it worn anywhere else!


  3. wacky modified pilgrim collar dress OMG!!!! With that comment as inspiration, I would totally make Version B in a chestnut brown with a white frontpiece/shoulders if I were a mom or a teachers aide, to wear on Thanksgiving. My kids would grow up really confused. One of the best dinner parties I ever pulled off had a Thanksgiving in April theme. It was a traditional Thanksgiving dinner for the same group of friends I usually eat with, but we end up only sitting down together only on that one day a year…which is stupid. It was easy; I just pasted up the invitations, hauled out the old orange tablecloth decorated with squashes, made the turky and gravy, and had everyone else bring side dishes, drinks and desserts. We ate outside on the patio and it was really fun.How much more fun would it have been, though, in this outfit, and a white nurses cap?Theres still time…


  4. Hmm — at first I thought that was a fauxlero on the dress, given the buttons on View B — but taking in the fact that the seaming goes right down the front, I think its clear its really a parasitic collar that has almost completely taken over the host dress.


  5. As a shirtwaist aficionado, I rather like this, and might even make and wear it non-ironically, even if it did mean putting in a zipper for the front opening. I think Id stick with all one fabric, though.


  6. (laughing at computer causing embarrassment at home) This story was hilarious! And … parasitic collar that has almost completely taken over the host dress… Priceless!!


  7. And then there are some of us doughnut aficionados who insist that the only true doughnut is a glazed doughnut — none of this jelly-filled baked stuff thats more cake than doughnut.Oh, yes, snobbism is everywhere, even in doughnut land!(still cracking up over the parasitic collar comment . . . !)


  8. I am sorry to admit I use the donut spelling. Glazed Old Fashioned are a weakness, as are the lemon-filled. (Those are covered with lots of loose powdered sugar that flies everywhere, though, and after youve finished one EVERY ONE KNOWS WHAT YOUVE BEEN UP TO!)


  9. I love the Thanksgiving in April idea, Cookie. My friends and I were going to do a Thanksgiving themed cook-out (turkey on the grill, sweet potato salad, grilled onions, cranberry salsa, etc.) but never got it together and now it is too cold (and almost real Thanksgiving).Next summer for sure. Emsmom


  10. Theres always next year : ) Your cookout sounds scrumptous!But yes…my point about that party is (especially for those of us who have Thanksgiving with local friends rather than far-away family) its really silly not to organize an evening like that more often. We always have such a wonderful day, with good food and conversation and games, and its so easy to plan a meal like that with everyone bringing stuff…as they usually do for a Thanksgiving dinner, anyway. Maybe I should petition to have Thanksgiving in April added to the government holiday roster? Though Id really like to see it occur quarterly. Or is it easier to just declare it the last Thursday of every month?


  11. I havent been to your site for a while, but I still love it. I especially like your stories. And I still think that a compilation of dresses and stories would make a great book, The Secret Lives of Dresses.


  12. Cookie and anonymous, Can I come?I have to say, personally, I think Halloween should be a quarterly or at least twice yearly event….or at the very least two Halloweens if its a leap year.


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