Heidi #2: The Return (With Butterflies)

Here's the second Heidi I made (fuzzy pic, sorry):

Heidi #2

The fabric is by Joel Dewberry, I'm pretty sure I bought it from eQuilter, although I don't see it there now. I probably hovered with my finger over the "buy" button for five or six visits until I figured out what to do with it … luckily, Heidi only takes 2 yards of 56" wide fabric (another reason to love it!) so it wasn't a huge commitment once I did decide to buy it.

I lined the bodice on this one with some $1/yard fabric I bought ages ago. Every time I think "oh, I should really get rid of all those remnants that I bought for no good reason," I find a dress pattern like this one (or the Duro) that needs little bits of contrast fabric. Whew!

You can almost see the lining fabric — it's cream-colored, with a maroon and gray thread stripe, perfect, huh? — and the gray ribbon I used as pocket trim, here:

Heidi #2

Here's the back — I actually made a half-assed (pun intended!) attempt at matching the pattern on this one.

Heidi #2

I've been wearing this with dark gray tights, flat penny loafers (duh) and a dark maroon sweater; I could probably also wear it with a bright pink, a dark gray, or a cream-colored sweater, if I thought about it.

I also have a goldenrod-colored scarf (you know, one of those pashmina-y things) that goes nicely with this, and about two weeks ago I was in "the city" (which seems to be what you call San Francisco, if you live near it) wearing this dress, that scarf, and an old denim Levi's jacket I swiped from my Dad in roughly 1987 (with bright pink leather gloves sticking out of the breast pocket) and a tourist actually STOPPED ME ON THE STREET and asked to take my picture. It wasn't the Sartorialist, but hey, it was still nice. So if you see that picture on the web somewhere, let me know?

A few other quick things: I'm sure you already know (and knowing you all, have already donated to the best of your ability) about the tragedy in Haiti — but if you're looking for sewing-type things to do, eBay seller Charlong is donating the proceeds from her auctions to Doctors Without Borders, and I know Lisa and Tina have been doing relief/benefit auctions/sales, as well. If you have links to other relief/benefit sales, please leave 'em in the comments, and I'll do a roundup later this week.

22 thoughts on “Heidi #2: The Return (With Butterflies)

  1. about two weeks ago I was in the city (which seems to be what you call San Francisco, if you live near it)As a former Bay Area dweller I feel like I should point out that youre not being quite pretentious enough–its The City :)And I can totally understand why someone wanted to take your picture. Im sure the outfit looked amazing.


  2. That dress is fab! But you did give me a flashback to an argument I had to have once (*in* NYC, with someone from San Francisco) about which city is more widely known as The City.


  3. Gorgeous dress as are all that you make.I love dresses but as a retiree, I no longer have occasion to wear them very often so I live precariously through others .


  4. Sew Passionista,Unless youre spending your retirement exclusively on horseback, in a bathing suit on the beach, or in ski/snowmobile wear the only occasion required to wear a dress is a day that ends in y. As I journey into middle-age I am discovering that one of the great advantages of having grey in my hair is the freedom to wear what I like rather than what anyone else thinks I should wear. And what I like for everyday wear around the house or when running out on errands is a shirtdress — casual enough but nicely presentable. 🙂


  5. I like this dress better than the first one. Id wear black leggings a black turtleneck with this and black leather gloves boots.


  6. I too love dresses. I used to wear them quite often, but then spent many years working in a dirty shop, and got out of the habit. Being so tall I cant even buy an OTR dress – you know, the waist up near the arm pits, etc. You are all making me ready to grab my machine and start living in a beautiful dress again. Im driving a school bus during the day, but after that, a nice dress would really make me feel feminine and fun again. And SF, The City, is definitely my favorite city. Went to HS there. If someone did take your pic, Im sure it will show up somewhere, it sounds clever and beautiful.


  7. Love that dress! Just wanted to share my fave fabric shop with you (the world?) http://www.thunderlily.com — its a community of NYC boutique fabric shops all under one roof. Free samples for those of us who are afraid to make an online purchase that we havent touched and salivated over.Oh, and did I mention that boutique doesnt mean high priced — the prices are actually lower on most fabrics than the big fabric shops.


  8. Cpeep, where I grew up (Adelaide, Australia), we spoke about going into Town, and more rarely the city. Or maybe that was a southern suburbs thing? ;)I do miss SF though. I lived there for nearly 10 years. :/


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