A Few Questions

Butterick 5950

Question 1: How cute is that bodice? I love the high neck and all those little buttons … sigh. (This button thing has got me bad, and that ain't good.)

Question 2: What the heck is in that box? Unwrapper looks gleeful, looker-on even more so. I think that they have swiped some OTHER girl's box of chocolates, and are planning to eat all the chocolates themselves, then on refilling the box with something hilarious and embarrassing, such as woolen long underwear, thus provoking consternation and discord between the intended recipient and her chocolates-giving beau. But that's just my take. What's yours?

Question 3: Did you know that this pattern is on SALE? Yes, yes it is: 20% with code EARTH DAY, through Friday. And get free shipping when you buy three or more patterns! (From Sandritocat.)

11 thoughts on “A Few Questions

  1. I could think of some rude things that might be in the box…especially given how happy they look….but I am going to guess a new fangled electric can opener.


  2. Something evils going on, thats for sure. Maybe its a box of that old-fashioned appetite suppressant, the unfortunately named Ayds? They could give you a bit of a rush. Red is so blissed-out shes levitating.


  3. Red looks even more excited than Blue, so Im going to guess that Red has put some sort of trick/surprise in there – maybe something thatll jump out at Blue…


  4. Red Dress: Another box of chocolates from Chad? (sigh) Hes so dreamy.Blue Dress: I know, but its getting hard to keep my girlish figure with all these rich chocolates. Youll have to help me eat them.Red Dress: Just what I was hoping youd say. –Karen


  5. Blue Dress thinks shes getting a box of chocolates. Red cant contain her evil glee, she knows the box really contains bees.


  6. The interesting part is that nearly offstage little diagram at the lower right. Is that for the doll thats in Blues gift? Did patterns of this era often put a schematic head-to-head? Especially since the usual back view is at the lower left.


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