Ready for Anything

Vogue 7597

Isn't this dress magnificent? It's from Lanetz Living.

I desperately want to make this up in a heavy black silk/cotton. You could wear it to ANYTHING. I'd wear the collar open, probably, with a scarf (if I were feeling dashing) or colored beads … I wouldn't wear a brooch or pin for fear of getting it caught on something and ripping the dress.

If I had just one spare day's worth of time in the next two months I would buy this pattern outright. (I, um, already ordered that fabric. Black silk/cotton for $6.99/yard? Please.) But lately I've been trying not to hoard patterns that I know I won't sew right away; it doesn't seem quite fair. I just trust that when I have the time, the universe will make the pattern available to me. (I wish I could feel that way about fabrics, but they are SO much harder to search for …)

This one deserves a good home. That skirt! Those pockets! I like the short-sleeved version best (although I probably would leave off the cuffs — they're so lumpy under a cardigan).

This dress doesn't have to be dressy — it would be marvelous in a red-and-white embroidered cotton, too. So sporty! You could wear it with red Keds and it would be adorable.

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18 thoughts on “Ready for Anything

  1. I adore pockets in a dress, and I agree, at least where I live, fabrics are nearly impossible to find in any sort of good quality.


  2. Joni, just click on the link in her post above–heavy black silk/cotton– and it will directly to the fabric at Fabric Mart. They had 32 yards available at the time I posted this comment.


  3. Snatch up that pattern, girl! I just heard about a study (and I found a pdf reference here: that people tend to miss out on pleasurable experiences because they put them off till the future, when they believe theyll have more free time. And nobody ever has MORE free time in the future. Depressing, but I think we can twist it around to justify hoarding.


  4. Love this dress! I recently found a similar pattern, but without pockets. Pockets are my absolute favorite thing! Thanks for posting! Cant wait to see the final product!


  5. Aw man! Its sold already! How could you introduce this delectable pattern and then take it from me all on the same day???? Pattern, I hardly knew ye.


  6. It IS a great pattern! Its one of those dresses that could work for running errands, chasing after kids, going to work and going out…all depending on what fabric you use.


  7. *durr* Yes, theres the fabric link.This is the kind of dress that reminds me of my grandmother. I could see her in something like this: she was a schoolteacher in the early 1950s and then went back when her children were older, and she LIVES in mens buttondown shirts with a scarf or necklace.


  8. that pattern is awesome. I love 50s style shirt dresses because they are easy to dress up or down to any degree really. melina bee


  9. This is a must make. Buy the pattern – now! 🙂 This is another Heidi in that it could be made 50 times each being a tiny bit different, and no one would know it was the same dress.PS: I have yet to order from Fabric Mart. It must be okay to shop there?


  10. I have been really happy with Fabric Mart! Super-fast shipping, and the quality is top-notch. Half their stuff I covet and the other half I wonder why anyone would buy. 🙂


  11. I love the long sleeve version. I love long sleeves and I love pockets. I will not get or wear a dress, pants, or skirt unless it has pockets; deep pockets. The red is my favorite.


  12. CORNELIA: I want to wear that dress every single day for the rest of my life.COOKIE: I want to wear that dress every single day for the rest of my life, and then be BURIED in it!


  13. That’s it: I haven’t been able to find the pattern anywhere else, so I’m going to have to find a way to recreate it. This dress is just too fabulous not to own.


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