Today's Pattern Story: Blasphemy Edition

McCalls 4568

Black Dress: Betcha five bucks I can take down the one on the left before he finishes his drink.
Green Dress: Decent or indecent proposal?
Black Dress: Indecent. You get better jewelry from the indecent ones.
Green Dress: You're on! Didn't you notice the dog collar? He's a priest.
Black Dress: Honey, that's what makes this fun.

Thanks to Jen at for today's pattern … AND she's running a sale: 15% off! Use the code 'vavoom'. (Free shipping to US & Canada with 5 patterns purchased. Jen has 1000s to choose from …)

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25 thoughts on “Today's Pattern Story: Blasphemy Edition

  1. Those are some scary ladies – I mean they dont even look friendly – total meows.


  2. Does Blue actually have a nice, big beauty mark on her face, or is that a speck of dust? Blacks necklace is so big, it looks like wadded up crepe paper thats been put around her neck.Beauty marks, gigantic jewelry…theyre MY kind of crowd! Shove over, girls.


  3. Great blog! Love the pattern stories – always make me laugh. And, because of you, now Im going to have to sew a Heidi!


  4. Im so glad I found your blog – Ive just had the laugh of the day (or week – great story)…and lovely patterns.Greetings from Denmark,~Trine


  5. Nice! With the big red EASY on there and the huntress looks on their faces I wonder how many women made this pattern with a cocktail party fantasy on their minds?


  6. what a hilarious post and new reason for me to keep all the old patterns I will never get around to usingmelina bee


  7. Erin, you are a riot!But loooove the style of that black dress. So sexy, yet so elegant and polished. This is what designers of yore did so well — you could be totally covered up yet still a complete knock-out. You didnt have to show cleavage or acres of skin to be sexy. Nowadays, subtlety has been lost.


  8. It took me a minute to realize the dresses on the pattern were talking….what can I say it must be the Baja Sun! I can vividly recall many of my old patterns and the fabrics I used. Wish I had the patterns now, and at those prices! Yuor blog is a lot of fun!


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