Today's Pattern Story, Sale, and Lame Excuses

 [Note: this is a maternity dress.]

Beulah: I am thinking motherly thoughts. Deep, motherly thoughts about my precious babe-to-be. Thoughts that require me to stare into the middle distance, and ignore the teeny tiny person undressing at my feet.

Hester: Dude! You're knocked up, you're not the Dalai Lama. Get over yourself. And pass me the saltines, will you? I think I'm gonna hurl. 

[This pattern is from Sheila, at Out of the Ashes — she's running a 15% off sale, today through Sunday. Use the coupon code SUMMER.]

And, as promised, lame excuses — sorry for the light posting lately, I am completely, utterly, irredeemably swamped with work. Not sure when it will let up, either. Wish me luck!

9 thoughts on “Today's Pattern Story, Sale, and Lame Excuses

  1. Hilarious that you can’t tell it’s maternity. I love the 50s maternity patterns because they had triple seams down the side. You just kept letting them out as you grew. The 60s maternity patterns are awesome too because unless they’re knitting or something, you can’t tell they’re maternity either. We all wore tent dresses!


  2. I don’t know why I find it so amusing that maternity patterns always have the little Undressing Demonstration Fairy in a discreet corner of the packet, but I do.


  3. Doesn’t look like maternity wear at all, at least not as shown. Another advantage would be you could take the seams in after the baby arrived also. This is *WAY* better than T-shirts with the “baby” arrows.

    I hope that the busy-ness is because your Wordnik site is doing well???


  4. THAT’s a maternity dress? Wow. Doesn’t look like it. I loved it at first sight (before I read the part about it being a maternity dress)


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