Today's Pattern Story: Simplicity 1199


Pansy: It's awesome to be us.

Daisy: TELL me about it. I mean, look at us. Me in particular. Awe. Some. Some serious awe goin' on here. 

Iris: Although, I think it's more awesome to be me and Pansy than you, Daisy, because, frankly, we have better shoes. We are totes awesome-er.

Pansy: Gotta hear that!

Daisy: I have a kickass bag, though.

Pansy: True dat. Can't deny.

Daisy: It may be slightly more awesome to be me and Iris, Pansy, because we don't talk like a passé beer commercial.

Pansy: How's "whatevs"? I think "whatevs" is still awesome. Whatevs, Daisy.

Iris: Whatevs. Remember when we used to be aMAZing? I kind of miss aMAZing.

Daisy: Whatevs. We can leave it as given that we're all awesome. Until we decide that we're fabulous, of course.

[This awesome pattern is from Penny at Antique Dollhouse of Patterns. Awesome.]


9 thoughts on “Today's Pattern Story: Simplicity 1199

  1. Pansy: When did you have your left elbow surgically removed and re-attached at your left hip?

    Daisy: Just yesterday! Makes it much easier to carry my kick-ass bag.


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