The Dress A Day Dozen Gift Guide: #10 The Lust Skirt

You know that point in holiday shopping where you just break down and can't resist buying something for yourself? This is that point. This is that thing. It's the Betabrands Lust skirt. It's not too late to wear this on New Year's Eve!

Betabrands Lust Skirt

This is the kind of clothing item that you will wear for YEARS. People will send you invitations to events and at the bottom of every invitation will be this note: "PS please wear your disco skirt." You will be wearing this in the nursing home, and you will be still be the life of the party.

Did I mention that it has pockets? 

Betabrands Lust Skirt

If you can't buy this for yourself (it's $60, btw) I strongly recommend you email this to someone who traditionally buys you a present. (Subject line: HINT.)

[And we're still on the fundraising drive/Secret Lives poll:]

If we reach $1200 in donations by December 25, I will write a new "secret lives" story, that will include the top-two vote-getters below:

6 thoughts on “The Dress A Day Dozen Gift Guide: #10 The Lust Skirt

  1. I swear this fabric is in stock at Vogue Fabrics…it would be easier to make and cost less than $60!


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