Today's Pattern Story (and Sale): McCalls 4629


I love that the women here are having a dance party, in their jumpers and cloches, complete with clutches and pearls. I am also trying hard to believe that they're dancing to "It Takes Two" (but I understand if you are not able to).

The woman with her back to the dancers is, of course, the DJ. Her name is DJ Schnee, and she always wears all white. It's a thing. (She's huge in Japan — has her own energy drink, and line of sneakers, and everything.)

This pattern is from Sheila at Out of the Ashes, and she is having a 15% off sale Friday thru Sunday — use the coupon code GLAMIS. 

10 thoughts on “Today's Pattern Story (and Sale): McCalls 4629

  1. Those girls are having a a right old time , would they have cheese and pineapple on tooth picks for supper with a tequila slammer ?
    I enjoyed your interview with Catherine Ryan on Radio NZ , there I was a Kiwi in Brooklyn NY listening to you in USA being interviewed on Kiwi radio show, about a topic that is dear to my hart.


  2. I keep looking and looking at this – what is with the blouson back of version A?
    You are spot on with the dancing though.


  3. This is a style from the late 50’s – my sister was in highschool in ’57 thru ’60. She made a dress very similar to the plaid version with the blousing at the back. They were called sack dresses. Very chic at the time.


  4. YES!! Millie is in the plaid, and MTM is in the blue. She is fingering her beads and saying “A pen please. A pen to write a check” !!

    Anyway. I was going to say that I could totally hear the “It Takes Two” in the background, but when I saw the Thoroughly Modern Millie comment, it threw me off. I almost typed “through me off.”


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