New. Obsession.


Just so we're clear: I freaking love this dress. So far I've made it twice, and if I am ever in my sewing room while the sun is up, I will take a picture or two of the ones that I've completed. (I also have two more cut out and half-sewn.)

Here is why this dress is near-perfect:

1. The collar is adorable. Right?

2. Pockets!

3. It is extremely simple to put together. 

4. And, best of all, this dress is GREAT for novelty quilting cottons. Seriously, those goofball patterns I buy all the time that just aren't right for fuller-skirted dresses work great in this pattern. The vertical skirt seams are enough to give the fabric weight and the patterns I choose don't need all that much matching. I also am making it in Liberty Lemonia:

The only downside is that the neckline is a leeeetle wide for regular jewel-neck cardigans. It goes better with a v-neck cardigan.

Things I did slightly different-like:

There's a facing, but I just used bias tape for the collar. (Facings: bulky.) I shortened the skirt by four inches, and deepened the pockets by two inches, but I think that's too deep. I'm tempted to carry things like ball-peen hammers and small electric motors and suchlike if my pockets are too deep. I am using silk organza for the collar interfacing. (I've also been using strips of silk organza to reinforce zipper seams in lightweight fabric, not sure if that's really working, but hey, I'm trying it.)

Click on the image to visit the Patternwiki — there are a couple folks who have copies for sale, it seems. Because YOU WILL LOVE THIS DRESS.

16 thoughts on “New. Obsession.

  1. You are right – I do love this pattern. I’m almost positive that my grandmother had it and made a least one dress from it. I can see it – turquoise-blue and white cotton print with a white collar and belt. Some of the fabric is now incorporated in a crazy quilt that she made. Thanks for the memory!


  2. I just love dresses like this, too. Or anything that’s an hourglass shape. Vintage dresses like this are comfortable to wear, too. Yes, we need pics!


  3. I do love that perfect little collar! I am having trouble picturing how you used bias tape instead of facing but kept the collar. Is the tape just bound over the collar? Or is it underneath somehow? I am a very unsophisticated seamstress (obviously) and would love to avoid doing facings if possible. Maybe a closeup photo of one of your finished products will help.


  4. I’m not sure if this is the right place for this comment so I apologise in advance.

    I found your book in my local Big W here in aus which is almost like a Walmart. I hope you dont mind I’m not sure how much money you make from a sale in a department store half a world away, and I could have bought it from the website, and I have been meaning too but I’ve been reading your blog for 3 years so when I saw the book I just put it in my trolly.

    Loved it. surpassed all my expectations.


  5. P.S. Looking at it again…I like this one better than the Simplicity one, LOL! But the Simplicity pattern shows what a dress like this would look with a bolero, or shrug, or short jacket. 🙂


  6. You are so funny! Why a ball-peen hammer, instead of a regular one, for instance. (I know, it tends to be smaller but still, it adds to the humour.)

    As a cyclist, I frequent a bunch of other blogs, including “girls on bikes” blogs. At this one: … I discovered dresses as art in the garden, and thought you would love to see them. Enjoy!

    And if you are interested, there is a woman lawyer in Chicago who wears skirts while riding her several bikes, including the female equivalent of my husband’s Atlantis by Rivendell (the Betty Foy). So many connexions, literary and otherwise! Her blog is letsgorideabike dot com


  7. I love this dress as well. It makes me really want to take come classes and learn to sew! I have the machine, but just not the confidence/knowledge/skills to make it! I wouldn’t even know where to start with material either! I am just in LOVE with dresses lately!


  8. You made me buy this pattern, but I’m not sure what fabric to use. I’m excited to make it! You bring a lot of joy to many people!


  9. I like this pattern and went to your link but it was sold out, so I think I can make my own pattern. I can help w/the confusion over the bias binding facings. They replace the facings on the inside of the neck that otherwise would be a couple inches wide and shaped like a C going all the way around the neck opening on the inside. Instead, use bias binding. Preshape it with an iron first (I saw this on Sarah Betsina’s show). Robin in NC


  10. OHHHHHH YEAAAA !!!! I LOOOOVE Vintage patterns and the dress you made is AMAZING !!! I am in AWE !!! This is a must have pattern for me.. Thank you so much for your blog, I just came across it and I cant wait to see more .. Your new fan
    Lucy Huggins


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