Get On Your Bike

So here finally is a picture of my favorite dress of the moment, made from Simplicity 1577:



Here's something I had not considered when making this dress: a dress with a bike print is like catnip to the hipsters of San Francisco. In a five-block walk today from the BART station at Mission & 24th I had accumulated an equal number of dress-related compliments, mostly from people who were NOT under the influence of intoxicants. 

For extra hipster cred, this pocket is actually big enough to hold my large Moleskine notebook (not shown, you'll have to trust me, I didn't figure this out until today): 


Here's the back view: 

I like this dress A LOT.

I still have two versions of this dress cut out and half-made; I hope to finish them soonish-like. (I have been alternating what I'm calling "rescue missions" — fixing dresses that need new zippers, or bigger pockets, or whatever — with New Sewing, and I'm actually starting to like the rescue missions. They take less time, for one thing, and it's very satisfying to take a dress from the Pile of Broken and restore it to the rotation.)

The bike fabric is available here (also in white). 

20 thoughts on “Get On Your Bike

  1. Very cool dress and I love those pockets! I’ve been umming and ahhing about that fabric because I really don’t need to add to the existing stash, but this might have cinched it. On it goes, straight to the top of my list of next purchases!


  2. Oh my word! I have that exact fabric.

    Love the dress – obviously – and I love that you are sewing and wearing and sharing them with us.



  3. I actually miss your dress-making posts so much I have begun looking at the archives, so thank you for this! Love it!!


  4. Cute cute dress! Can’t wait to see the other versions. I’m going to start wishing that pattern (or a similar update) gets released soon. Cute cute cute.


  5. It’s great when you post a photo of your dress that we can compare to the pattern picture, and see what it looks like when made for a normal human. Not someone with that unrealistic (and that’s the nicest thing I can say about it) wasp-waist shape. This is a very cute dress and looks like fun to wear! Thanks!


  6. My mom has that pattern and sadly I do not have the “wasp” waist but it looks cute on my girls. Thanks for the link to the fabric! How have I missed that site?? I just spent $10,000 window shopping….


  7. Amazing, but the skirt doesn’t look quite full enough to actually wear while riding a bike! My most recent sewing project has been to create the perfect skirt pattern for skirts to be worn while biking: long and full enough to prevent accidental flashing, while still short enough to not get caught in one’s chain. Now I really want to make one up in bike fabric!


  8. I’ve made a dress in fabric very like this – but mine was beige flannelette with green and brown bikes. I sewed it last year during the Tour de France 🙂


  9. what a perfect pattern for the bike fabric! You’d get a lot of hoots and hollers from biking hipsters in NYC, too.


  10. Hey, my daughter got hooked on a bike print a couple of weeks ago and we made it up in a cool Cynthia Rowley sundress. Check out my blog “” and see the finished items. Nice to see we were on the same wavelength.


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