
I'm *almost* done with my 8728 obsession (almost — stay tuned). I've started now to noodle around a bit with the idea of jumpers, for winter (or for what passes for winter, in California). I checked out MOMSPatterns for some inspiration:




And, of course, I think I may go back to last year's obsession, our friend Heidi, or even this similar BurdaStyle pattern:


Although I'm afraid that perhaps what's really pulling me towards this pattern is the pocket topstitching, which I would almost certainly be too lazy to do. (And her truly exceptional liquid-eyeliner skills — at 40, is it too late for me to master that? I suppose it doesn't really go well with glasses …) And that armhole is a bit deep for me … even with a t-shirt under it, it can look weird.

There's also McCalls 5927, which has a gazillion great reviews on PatternReview — check out this  gorgeous dress & photo from Eugenia:


Is anyone else thinking jumpers? Or going beyond the "thinking" stage to the "making" stage? If so, what patterns are you using? 

[Jen is running some great sales over the next two weeks … especially good if you use AMEX, because a week from Saturday is "Small Business Saturday" — if you use a registered AMEX card at a small business on Saturday the 26th, you can get $25 back. Details are here. Before then, use the code 'gobble' to save 15% all month …] 

15 thoughts on “Jumpin'

  1. I have a thin denim one and a black poplin one that I’ve made from http://vintagepatterns.wikia.com/wiki/Simplicity_3356e that I wear nearly every day during the summer. I go back and forth about making heavy ones for winter because I’m starting to feel like mutton dressed as lamb as I approach 40 myself. BTW, I wear cat eye liquid eyeliner and it goes fabulously with glasses. They now have pens and gel liners that look like liquid on the eye but are easier to use.


  2. I wore them a lot when I was a kid, in plaid, because my mom went through a big plaid jumper phase in the 60’s and my sister refused to wear them. I like them, but I don’t think I could wear one. Too many flashbacks to when I was eight wearing one of those things with knee socks and sturdy brown shoes. : )


  3. Oh yes!! For me, fall and winter are all about wool plaid jumpers, similar to the last photo posted. I like to keep it knee-length and pair with boots to avoid the frumpies that can be associated with jumpers.


  4. I love the neckline and pocket detail on 4766, though you wouldn’t want it to be too heavy. No one actually looks that svelte in a jumper.
    Go for the liner! I wore liner and glasses for years. If Blossom Dearie can do it, so can you.


  5. I lived in Monterey for almost a year, and my impression was that one could wear winter clothes there the year ’round. Even when the temps were up there, there was always a breeze off the ocean…


  6. I love Simplicity 3673 (vintage repro) The bust gathers and the many darts through the waist are really flattering, and make it easy to get a good fit.


  7. You say jumper, I think Sabrina. So yeah! Definitely going to have to add a jumper to my sewing list. 4766 is a great pattern. i wonder if it looks as good when it’s actually sewn?


  8. 40 is not too late to learn liquid eyeliner. it is in fact compatible with eyeglasses. and it’s a lot of fun! renemember to do your off-dominant side eye first, it’s much easier to match the look with your right hand (if you’re a rightie. and visa versa.)


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