Only Four Pieces

Only four pieces sounds like a bad deal when it's a box of See's, but when it's a pattern, it sounds pretty nice … (especially to me because I'm still wrestling with Simplicity 2180, and by "wrestling" I mean "sobbing over with a seam ripper that is glowing red from friction"). 

Like with this great pattern from Michelle at (which, by the way, has had a major update, including a shopping cart! Woot!)


Yep, this pattern supposedly only has four pieces: two bodice, and two skirt. I'm tempted to buy it just to open it up and marvel. Anyway, it's only $15 and it's B36, here.

I like how in this illustration you have Miss Burnt Orange, and Miss Purple, and then if you squint a little bit, you can see that Miss Print's print is burnt orange and purple. Which is not a combo I've tried, but by golly, I think it works. (Miss Burnt Orange and Miss Purple are both "why didn't I think of that?")

Coming up soon: more book reviews, a new shirtdress, and a Simplicity 1577 with *matched plaids*. Oh yeah. 

22 thoughts on “Only Four Pieces

  1. You don’t even need that dumb Simplicity dress…. the Vogue is prettier and it will feel glorious to just chuck it aside. Even if you love the fabric.


  2. Jennifer is absolutely correct. You need to listen to her. Use the fabric to line a bag or pocket and move on!
    This sew easy pattern is much prettier and I think Miss Burnt Orange, Miss Purple and Miss Print are trying to tell you that. Look at them. They’re gorgeous!


  3. I would totally wear the orange and purple print. I get a kick out of trying color combinations that most people shun. 🙂 In fact, I even dreamed last night of wearing two blue prints together with a purple jacket. Now if I only had those articles of clothing in my closet…


  4. Notice how wearing the print makes you a totally different person? BurnOrange and Purple are both traditional, dark hair pulled back, black pumps with white gloves kinda’ girls. But Print: loose blond locks and open toed sandals! She throws back her head when she laughs! She wears a necklace with her bracelet and gloves! Print can change your life!


  5. I love the pictures on these vintage patterns but they’re even more misleading than the 5″9, 100 lbs models we see now-a-days. I just never know how they’re going to fit on a live woman. Do you have any resources for seeing this? Thanks!


  6. Hi folks- the pattern sold quickly! Erin – Thank you for the mention of my companies updated website. Please poke around at the many other cool patterns on my website.

    I’d love to know how to how to translate a drawn image into a picture with a “real” person in it. Even today’s sewing patterns aren’t showing how real people look in them. 🙂


  7. A little info on the reason for the “odd” color combo–the package was undoubtedly printed in just three colors: black, orange and purple (the flesh tone is just a partial tone of the orange).


  8. I got it! Don’t hate me. I’ll recycle it when finished if someone *really* wants it.

    I will probably reverse the zipper placement, unless I can find an invisible zipper pull which can be disguised.
    I think this should be easy to alter, as well, so keep you eyes peeled for other sizes online……..


  9. Here’s a challenge to you all who wanted it and didn’t get it…Cut one out yourself! Only 4 pieces and they look pretty simple. Fold your fabric and just go for it. It would be a lot of fun to see the results!


  10. Four pieces, two bodice, two skirt. So, the sleeves must be cut on/kimono -style. What about the collar? Was it also part of the bodice, and just folds over the shoulder seam?


  11. LinB-I don’t know but I would say, “yes”. The collar looks like part of the bodice and just folds over. This is so exciting! You go, Girl!
    I know you weren’t asking me exactly but I thought I would give you my opinion…


  12. Will report when I get it.

    Looks like it might be kimono-sleeve and seamed at the shoulders. Might also be fun to make a contrast collar…

    and with the pleats at the front, to hide some pockets in there……..


  13. Vianki, you can always check for pictures of dresses people have made up on and on the Vintage Pattern Wiki (


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