Another Favorite Redux

Remember Simplicity 1577? I made it in heavy seersucker a while back, and have nearly worn that one to death, so I figured it was time for another version: 

Although I'm not a jeans person, I do like heavy denim dresses. They feel very utilitarian-competent. I'm pretty sure I could shingle a roof, raise chickens, or rivet a fighter jet in this dress. There is one problem in making them — you can't self-face collars in heavy denim, so you have to find some other fabric to use:

Good thing I have lots of Liberty scraps lying around, right? 

Ditto for the pockets: 

It's a dark black denim (cue Michael Penn) and I've been wearing it with bright long-sleeved t-shirts in rose or teal underneath. With stripey socks. So I look a little like a Raggedy-Ann doll in it, but it's so much fun to wear that I don't care.

I've also made this in black plaid low-wale corduroy (part of the Japan fabric haul) — pics of that soon!

18 thoughts on “Another Favorite Redux

  1. I love this dress. You have just made me realise that the dress I have made most recently would look great in denim. It’s a very similar shape to this one (minus the pockets and collar).


  2. I love this dress. I haven’t made a denim dress yet, and I really should because it would be perfect with all of this cold weather.


  3. Oh wow! That looks so awesome in denim. I’m so glad you always think of the coolest fabric choices, because I’m terrible at envisioning patterns in different fabrics 🙂

    p.s Would you consider turning off your word verification please?


  4. “I’m pretty sure I could shingle a roof, raise chickens, or rivet a fighter jet in this dress.” This is how I want all dresses to feel– and why I enjoy your blog so much!


  5. Nice! And thanks for the musical reference. Funny, but ever since I put up a post about Wuthering Heights, I have been trying to recall the 80s song that mentions Heathcliff–and there it is. In black jeans! Catherine could wear your awesome dress!


  6. Very nice dress! I came upon your blog a few weeks ago, and I very much enjoy it. I am curious about your process; do you change vintage patterns for modern fit and technique, or work as written? Also, it looks like you leave out a lot of shoulder pads, is that accurate?
    Thank you for the great eye candy!


  7. Hi Lisa! Thanks for the kind words … I mostly use vintage patterns as written, although I’ll alter for fit if the pattern doesn’t fit me (mostly to make them bigger in the waist, since I don’t wear a girdle). 🙂 And I hate shoulder pads (post-traumatic stress from the overly-padded 80s) so I always leave them out.


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